Wicca, The very word stirs emotion in all people. Wether it be passion, curiosity or hate. I'd like to dispell the last response completely from people's hearts.
To start off, I'd like to say what we Wiccans are NOT.
#1 we are first and foremost NOT "devil worshipers" Quite frankly we dont even belive in a manifestation of pure evil.
#2 We are NOT a "Cult." We enter into our religion freely and of our own will, and dont give our cash to some wierd guy who says that it's the only way to a peaceful afterlife (where do they find those people anyway?)
#3 We are not horrible evil people who murder cats and children (I'd like to find the person that made this one up though). We love all life and killing is really sort of against our religion.
Well I think that about covers it, On to what Wicca IS