I've got a very ordinary
family. I was born during that period of time in Singapore where people
were encouraged to stop at 2 kids. So there's only me and my brother....to
put it correctly, my friends would say my brother and I. One day when I
finally get myself a scanner, I shall put up a photo of my family. Meanwhile,
this would be a very wordy page.
Families are like Jig-saw puzzles.
We each make up a piece. We're all unique in our shapes and sizes. Together,
we make a beautiful picture as we accomodate each other's quirks. This
particular picture is made up of 6 pieces.
At the head of the family, is
my dad. He's quite fit at the age of 50. He's actually 50 plus. But I'm
not allowed to count past 50. Its the same for my mother. So my parents
will never be a day past 50. Some people can be so insecure sometimes.
:) Anyhow, my dad's pretty cool. For a RI geek. Yup! My dad
was a rafflesian. He was beaming the day I went RGS. Oh well.....those
were the days. He's now working for Sunway. Thats the company with the
lagoon in K.L. He's been bugging me to go up one day. Well, I will!
One day......just not now :) When I have the time. People
say I take after my dad. Dont know if thats a good thing. He's sort of
rounded, with the beer-belly now. Maybe I take after his childish nature.
Hahaha...... My dad is rather open-minded too. He taught me how to
drink. When I say drink, I meant alcohol. Not water. I cant hold my alcohol
as good as my dad or my brother but then thats coz I dont usually drink.
Not that they're alcoholics or anything.
Moving on, my mother is 5 years
younger than my dad. They met in the office. I think that is so cool. My
dad was her superior. Well, they changed jobs later on. But they go to
know each other while working together. My mum told me that my dad lived
down the street from her so he would send her home. That is so sweet. Well,
my mother's now older. I'm not allowed to mention her age. She says its
coz this is for public viewing. What's it with women and their age? I'm
female, I dont understand. Maybe its coz I'm not at that age yet. My mum
works too. At this bank which I forgot the name. Its a foreign bank with
a really foreign name. You really cannot balme me for not remembering.
I have very limitted knowledge of banks. They are all the same to me.
My grandma is really old. She
seems to have been around forever. Everytime I ask her how old she is,
she conveniently forgets. So to me, she's just very old. Its interesting
to hear her talk about the old days. Before the second world war. She was
only a young girl when the Japanese attacked Singapore. She says times
were very hard then. Life is so much better now.
Well, I guess its my baby brother's
turn now. Okay, he's no longer a baby. He's quite big actually. Bigger
than me now. Sigh.....how I miss those days where I was taller. Its harder
to pick on someone bigger than you. We're a year apart. But for most of
the year, it seems we're 2 years apart. I'm a February child while he's
a December baby. He's finishing the A-levels at NJC now. The cow decided
to join his friends there instead of following his sister's footsteps to
ACJC. Soon, he'll be an ah-bing ge, or NS boy. It'll be fun to see him
in the army. Maybe he'll finally grow up. Then again, judging from my friends,
maybe not.
Now for the last member in the
family. My dog! Ain't she cute!
She's the love of my life. She's
also the one who keeps me up at night coz she cant keep still on the bed.
Her name is May. But she answers to anything. I'm not kidding! If you have
food, you can call her whatever you like and she'll come. Its is so embaressing
when guests are around. My dog answers to food. She's so tiny but she eats
like a horse. She also has an uncanny sense for ice-cream. She always know
when someone is going to take the tub from the freezer.
Okay, well, you've met the family.
Now there's no turning back. You've really fallen deep into this strange
world which I live in.