aniad lv: Hehe, I called and your brother was like "Um, he's not home. Do YOU
know where he is?"
aniad lv: I thought that was funny.
TheFinalStand: Hahaha!
TheFinalStand: ... yeah, he doesn't stuff like tat.
aniad lv: ... that last sentence makes no sense.
TheFinalStand: I kinda went out w/ Maria and didn't say when I'd be back
or where I was going.
TheFinalStand: ARGH!
TheFinalStand: ... yeah, he does stuff like that.
TheFinalStand: Yeesh.
TheFinalStand: Tiiiiired.
aniad lv: Ah. I do that with such regularly that my family doesn't (hehehe) know
where I am ever or bother to care.
TheFinalStand: Hehe. Lucky.
aniad lv: "Daina, where are you going?"
aniad lv: "Around."
aniad lv: "When'll you be back?"
aniad lv: "Later."
aniad lv: "Dinner time?"
aniad lv: "Maybe."
aniad lv: :~)
TheFinalStand: Yeah, but ...
TheFinalStand: ... what if it went like this?
TheFinalStand: "Daina, where are you going?"
TheFinalStand: " ... oh, out for sex."
TheFinalStand: "When'll you be back?"
aniad lv: *laughs*
aniad lv: (cause you know, that'd be the answer every time)
TheFinalStand: " ... well, when the sex is done. Duuuh."
aniad lv: *laughs*
TheFinalStand: "Dinner time?"
TheFinalStand: "Sex."
aniad lv: Ahhaha...
TheFinalStand: ... and I'm done.
TheFinalStand: :P
aniad lv: Alright. you win the prize for making me laugh really hard.
TheFinalStand: Hehe!
aniad lv: The only time I worried my parents was when I gave every indication
that I was going straight home and they'd meet up with me after they went to a
McDonalds or something, and then I went to Wheaton instead, spur of moment.
aniad lv: cause they knew that I had virtually no gas.
TheFinalStand: *facepalms*
aniad lv: So they were envisioning me by the side of the road... until my dad was
like "wait, that road goes through Wheaton!"
aniad lv: "She'll never be able to drive through there without being distracted!"
TheFinalStand: Hahahha!
aniad lv: So true.
aniad lv: Oh! Today I was driving, and there was this feeling in the air, and I
thought "it seems just like a day on which I'd go to Barbarian books... except I
won't, I"m going to Selin's and then straight home."
aniad lv: Guess where we all ended up?
aniad lv: Barbarian books.
aniad lv: For no reason at all.
TheFinalStand: Haha1
TheFinalStand: What time?
aniad lv: Um, I dunno. Early afternoon. Or maybe late afternoon. 3?
aniad lv: Why?
TheFinalStand: ... well, me and Maria were gonna stop by a little after 4.
aniad lv: But didn't?
TheFinalStand: ... but we didn't, cuz the left turn was really stupid.
TheFinalStand: Yeah.
aniad lv: Hahaha! I do stuff like that.
aniad lv: I once went to Graeme's house to hang out just cause I couldn't make a
left turn.
TheFinalStand: HAH!
aniad lv: ever drive around and your destination changes at least three times while
you're on the road?
TheFinalStand: Haha!
aniad lv: Hapens to me on occasion. Confuses the heck outta whoever I'm driving
with if it's not Selin or Kamil.
TheFinalStand: ... w/ Maria, we usually end up driving w/ no destination,
cuz I can't ever think of anything to do.
aniad lv: Hehehe... when I have nothing to do I always end up either on Selin's
bed or in Wheaton on the side of some random sidewalk or in Noltey park.
aniad lv: Or once Valerie and I drove around the farms that are all up-county for
TheFinalStand: ... in.
TheFinalStand: Selin's.
aniad lv: Or like an hour.
TheFinalStand: Bed.
aniad lv: Yes yes.
TheFinalStand: Manohman.
TheFinalStand: There are some things I ... just don't need to know.
aniad lv: *laughs* I fell asleep there a coupla days ago. Oh, today too.
TheFinalStand: ... *sigh*
aniad lv: You know what's really funny? My sleep threshhold has gotten incredibly
TheFinalStand: ... well, teenagers will be teenagers. Just remember to use a
TheFinalStand: Oh ... wait.
aniad lv: *laughs*
aniad lv: like today Selin went to the kitchen and the bathroom and in the
meantime- I wasn't even tired- I fell asleep. Yesterday I think I fell asleep while my
sister was talking to me.
TheFinalStand: Haha!
aniad lv: I once did that in class to SElin. I asked her to explain something and in
the middle of her explanation I put my head down and was totally asleep in less
than two seconds.
aniad lv: She was REALLY mad.
aniad lv: I once fell asleep while crossing the street.
TheFinalStand: *facepalms* I don't even want to hear this one.
TheFinalStand: ... hehe. But seriously, I gotta run.
TheFinalStand: Night, dude~
TheFinalStand: !
aniad lv: Kay, bye!
TheFinalStand signed off at 10:47:06 PM.