I LOVE to read. I read a little bit from almost every genre, but I especially like adventure, fantasy, science fiction, and anything that is just awesome and exciting. One can learn from anything in life- books, movies, video games (Yes, I have learned a lot from my video games!), but books are perfect for experiencing and learning, about other worlds or about your own.

Watership Down, by Richard Adams, is probably my favourite book. It is not about a sinking ship! It is an incredible tale of the struggles of a group of rabbits against nature, people, and others of their own kind. The rabbits are not fairy tale caricatures. They are like primitive people, with their own language variations and set of values coupled with very human emotions. It is the emotion of the rabits that makes the book so moving and different. It transports you to another world. Some people love this world, and some hate it. I have yet to find someone who thought this book was all right, but nothing special. You seem to either love it or hate it. I, personally, cannot see how anyone could hate it. I know I love it with all my heart.

If I have inspired you, feel free to go to Amazon.com and order it! It is truly a great book.

The Prydain Chronicles, by Lloyd Alexander. It is the BEST fantasy series of the many I have read, though a few come quite close. Set in the mythical land of Prydain, which is roughly representative of Wales and its mythology, the series follows the maturing of an Assistant Pig-Keeper and his companions. These books are full of magic and adventure and very unique characters. After all, it is not every day you meet an Assistant Pig Keeper. Besides the great characters and completely captivating plot, the chronicle of maturity is so moving that I think everyone should love the books. Though they are on something like a sixth grade reading level, I still read them. They are great books which can be loved by all ages.

If you would like to read the books, you can order them from Amazon.com. There are five books in all: The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, The Castle of Llyr, Taran Wanderer, and The High King. Then there is The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain, a good collection of stories suplimentary to the rest of the series, and a good place to turn to when you are suffering Prydain withdrawal after finishing the first five. These are all paperback versions of the books, which I HIGHLY recommend- the cover art is the only cover art that ever in my life I have cared about. It shows the way the characters grow, which is the focus of the fantastic series.

Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card, is weird, exciting, and incredibly deep. This is as science fiction as you can get- the time is somewhere in the not-so-near future. Yet the future holds more than a few high-tech gizmos. Society has changed. People have changed. Not only has the world changed, but the universe has changed and become a threatening force. The weight of the world rests on one child's shoulders. The child is Ender, he who ends.

Again, feel free to order it from Amazon.com. Choose between the versions: mass-market paperback, spiffy paperback, and hardcover. It is a great book, whether you are big on science fiction or no.

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Remember- keep reading! The world of books leads to infinite other worlds. You may explore more through books than you ever hope to in you life. Do not neglect life for things unreal, but take the time to experience what you otherwise could not. Put some weird ideas into your head. Read.