Mitra (co-head of the Roun is EVIL club) : I have come to one conclusion--Roun is EVIL!!!
Eirelav (co-head of the Roun is EVIL club) : Yeah!! He has to be involved with the Dark! And, he's a BLEEP!
Aniad: Yes, he can be arrogant. (Just for the record, I am neither taking sides, agreeing or disagreeing with any theories on Roun's Evilness. Nor will I spoild anything, although I would love to tell you all how right or wrong you are.)
the Aerith (Roun-lover) : AAAAH!!!! Aniad, I can't BELIEVE you put this on your page!!!! How COULD you!!!! I thought you LIKED Roun!!!!!!
Aniad: I like all I write. But he is arrogant, sometimes.
the Aerith: BUT! BUT! But Mr. Goldman (the Broadcast Journalism teacher who calls his students "young scholars") is arrogant, and everybody loves HIM!!!
Eirelav: Mr. Goldman grades hard. I can't believe the grade he gave me on that last essay!!!
Mitra: Can we get back on track??? There is no doubt in my mind that Roun is EVIL!!!!
the Aerith: How can you SAY that Roun is evil????
Mitra: Why, here are a list of reasons why I dislike Roun. First of all, he is so determined to discourage Zia from believing she is the One and saving the world!
Eirelav: See!!! He wants her to think that there is no problem for her to fight, so she doesn't kill him, because he's with the Dark!
Aniad: Hmmm.....
the Aerith: *sulks*
Eirelav: Also, he has NO respect for the Weilder!
Aniad: Eirelav, I thought you hated the Weilder.
Eirelav: She was mean to Zia and stuff, but she's still powerful. Roun should have respect for her.
Mitra: Then, he has that wierd hair thing, and although wierd is not necessarily bad but...
Aniad: (Yay! Weird is good!!)
the Aerith: See!
Mitra: Epiphany's reaction I don't like it.
the Aerith: Who CARES about Epiphany!!!
Mitra: I believe Epiphany to be the more sensible one, 'cause Aniad--I mean Zia (Whoops! :))
Aniad: Hehe!
the Aerith: Hehehehehe!
Mitra: way too trusting, and being such a wonderfully kind and honest person herself, can never see any evil in others! See, Roun seems conniving in that he is too suave and can easily fool someone into trusting him.
the Aerith: BUT!
Mitra: One could say that this arguement is illegitamate since Roun can just be that wonderful in reality, but I find it hard to swallow.
Aniad: Ahh, yes, Mitra's cynicism finally comes out. I wonder, is it worse to be too cynical or too trusting??
the Aerith: Aaaah! Not this question again!!!!
Aniad: Well, it's not as if you never gave me an unresoveable thought or two!
Mitra: When Epiphany first tells Zia that she is the One, Roun is surprisingly mean to her and keeps on telling her to "Shut-up!" Inconsistency on the authors part in building this character--NO! Roun in tricky! He makes Zia believe he is good when in fact he is working with the Dark!
Eirelav: YEAH!!!
Mitra: And, how does Roun "know fully well of the Dark"? the Weilder certainly didn't tell him as a pupil--you know how reserved and secretive she is about her work! And who says that Roun isn't even lying about being the Weilder's pupil in the first place? I doubt he even knew that Zia and Epiphany were her pupils until Zia accidently blurted it out!
the Aerith: But what does THAT prove!!!
Aniad: Good question.
Mitra: It was all Roun's awesome luck in further manipulating the girls! ALSO, Roun shows great dislike towards the idea of Zia going over to see Epiphany the night of Zia's sister's wedding. "Why do you want to go see HER?"
Aniad: Did I write that??? I don't think I did...
Mitra: He then insists that he comes along! I shuddered when I read it!!!
the Aerith: !!!!!!
Mitra: Come on! How much more obvious can it be? Roun just suddenly shows up out of nowhere, befriends Zia, makes her immediately trust him, and then tries to prevent her from saving the world. One might say that his strong determination is due to the fact that he cares about his friend and does not want any harm brought upon her. I might have been able to say that the first time I read your story, but now, my deep analysis and completely, unchangable biased viewpoint has lead me to say, "BULL!"
Eirelav: Yeah!!!
Mitra: Wouldn't it be hilarious if I am completely wrong and Roun ends being a major role in defeating the Dark? If the Dark is even defeated!
Aniad: Hehehe!!!
the Aerith: I can't BELIEVE you have this on your page, Aniad!!! How biased!!! You are SWAYING your READERS!!!!
Aniad: Thank you for tuning in for this round of rousing debate. And please read Aniad's story.
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