...the saga continues...

This is my tribute to the best movies of all time...

The Star Wars Trilogy...and beyond...

My Journey to the Rebel Base...literally...

I have to admit, I haven't always been a Star Wars fan...not that I didn't like the movies, because I had never seen them in their entirety, nor at an age that I would understand the story. What I mean by that is in 1977 I wasn't born yet. I was born in 1979, therefore I did not understand Empire or Jedi they were just moving pictures to a three-year-old.

When the Special Edition came around, I was ecstatic. I FINALLY got to see Star Wars: A New Hope on the big screen!!!(I had only seen it on video before)
Unfortunately, I did not get to follow through with my plan and see all three. It was my senior year in high school...'nuf said. But on top of that, when school got out, I had summer school, a vacation, and then my first semester of college started!!!(in that order) AAAAKKKK!!!!

Yet, I digress...I'm not frustrated about that, not at all...

Anyway, it wasn't until 1998 when I started working at Disneyland (home of Star Tours) when I figured I should see the succession (concept...). Hey, you try to work an 8 hour shift in the "Rebel Base" section of Star Trader (AKA:"The Star Wars Room")with no Star Wars know how. Not easy...(Boba-WHO???)

I told my friend who happened to be a big Star Wars fan that I wanted to see the movies and we had a "movie day" (she owned the Trilogy). Man, it takes a while to watch all three in a row!

Now I am a Star Wars fan myself!!!

Well, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is out on video now. But we all have Episode 2 to look forward to!!! :)

Oh yea, I got to go to a Wierd Al concert September 1999 at the Greek Theater in L.A. and we got the privledge to have Jake Lloyd as a special guest!! Too cool!

Halloween 1999 was cool. My friend had a Halloween party and everyone at work was invited. I dressed as a girl Jedi - my costume was awesome! It looked so authentic! My friend went as Darth Maul, he even got the contacts!

It would have been even better if I was able to make my own lightsaber...
maybe this year...

I have one thing to say though, why is it that the U.S. is so cheap? I found this picture online of what theater tickets in Japan looked like:


Yet I digress...

This was in the newspaper on 5/10/99!!

Fox Trot by Bill Amend



And now for some theories I have...

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi's teacher...

While cleaning up at work I realized a loop hole. Empire was playing at that moment. The scene in which Yoda is questioning whether to train Luke or not. Then Obi-Wan's spirit says "was I any different when you taught me?". But in Episode I, Qui-Gon Jinn is Obi-Wan's teacher, isn't he? I found this interesting, and after pondering it on the way home that night, I came up with my conclusion. Yoda does the initial training. Then a Jedi Knight takes the learner as their Padawan, kind of like on the job training to an extent. Obi-Wan DID call Yoda "Master"...

2. Why Doesn't Qui-Gon Jinn dissappear?

This is another common question. Many people wonder why Qui-Gon did not disappear when he died like Obi-Wan and Yoda. The answer to this one is probably going to be in the next movie. The only hint is when Obi-Wan says in A New Hope "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Something I remembered was that when Obi-wan and Yoda died (and Darth Vader for that matter) they were ready to die. Something about becoming one with the Force...

Her hair is cool.

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All Star Wars images, sounds, and likenesses copyright Lucasfilm Ltd. and 20th Century Fox. Fox Trot copyright Bill Amend.

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