Welcome to Sebastián Armas' WebPage!

Greetings! This is my WebPage, where you can find some information about me, my hobbies, some links and, who knows, you may even find some interesting thing ;-) .

The text only version is here. Versión en Español aquí.


To read or write your opinions on my website, use the Guestbook. Don't be shy...


"What, Sebastián mindful of details?! Let me put it this way: if he ever made a Dictionary, he might include an index in it... just in case!"


  1. Hobbies
  2. Recent Activities
  3. End! (e-mail)


What the subject uses as an excuse to "rest" and/or waste whatever (spare) time he has.

"Yes... well, I do have some hobbies. They are not so strange or so many at all, you know... I mean, I studied Civil Engineering, and Engineers do have common areas of interest, because... What? ...er... Your question was..? ...Oh!... No, don't tell me... ...er... well, let's see..."

(Big mistake; don't ask him, read about it here.)

Some of my hobbies include:

If you want to, you can check the Links. There are links for every item listed and then some...

(Sure, because they are dying to know some more... yeah, right.)

Recent Activities

What the subject is doing when he's not "otherwise engaged" in, say, his hobbies.

" Me, busy? Yep, I've been doing a little this, a little that... Do you want to hear about it?"

(I insist; don't ask him, read about it here.)

Some of the things I've been doing lately...


The place the reader gets to after digesting all this WebPage.

"Lemme see... the last time I worked on this webpage was on February 15th, 2007. It's pretty decent and up to date though I've decided not to include pictures... I don't want to scare someone away... though I could go for my baby's pictures..."

(Better not to stimulate him)

So far, people have been here.


If you really want to, you can e-mail me to




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Juan Sebastián Armas Maturana