TXmnJim 's Home Page

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Coalition On Donation

I'm TXmnJim.

TX is an abbreviation for transplant! My heart transplant surgery occurred on January 26, 1996 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Hollywood, CA. I'm 62 years old, and I received the gift of life at 50 from a young man whose family chose to donate his organs for transplantation. This selfless act has allowed me to continue living. I will be forever in their and his debt. I am also indebted to the dedicated Doctors and Nursing staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, who saw me through this ordeal with the utmost care and attention.

Get a donor card, and sign it. And tell your loved ones that you wish to donate your organs in the event of an unfortunate occurrance. The decision to donate your organs will be made by your loved ones. It will be much easier for them if they know your intentions.

Was it worth it????.....

Lorraine's Wedding

Walking Lorraine down the aisle, three months after my transplant

Grandson Tyler

Baby Tyler James, 3½ months old!

Since my transplant, I have attended my daughter Lorraine's wedding, and welcomed her husband Steve into our family. Lorraine and Steve welcomed Ty Ram into the world on May23rd, 2000. My son, James, wed Stephanie Sept. 9,1996. I myself was wed on December 19,1996 to my sweetheart, Dot. What a Christmas gift that was!

Tyler James, was born to James and Stephanie on March 2, 1997. Dawson Chayce joined his brother Tyler on Sept. 15, 1999. My daughter Lorraine gave birth to Ty Ram on May 23, 2000 and Reid joined Ty on Sept.25, 2002! Not to be outdone, my son Anthony and Jennie had a little girl, Isabelle Rose, on Oct. 23, 2002, followed by Joseph Michael on Sept. 29th. Back east, on Long Island, my daughter, Deborah married Mike Penfield Sept.19th.,2003, in Smithtown, an event Dot and I witnessed. Unfortunately we had to return to California before Deb had Yolanda Rose on Nov. 22, 02, naming her for her grandma Yolanda Marie, who left us on April 6th 1978, when Deb was just 5 years old. Lana was joined by sister Lilian Grace on Aug, 31st, 06, for a GRAND total of 11! I have been truly blessed with this extended lifetime... I know I would have missed all of this, without the generosity of my donor family, and the miracle of heart transplantation. I use my time now helping others and playing with my grandkids.

James & Tyler

My son James and grandson Tyler James

Baby Tyler and proud Grandpa

Grandson Ty Ram

My Grandson Ty Ram,
May 2000

Grandpa & Ty Ram

Grandpa & baby TY

Grandpa & Ty Ram

Ty's First Year

Grandpa & Ty Ram

The Birthday Boy

Ty at one

One year old!

Big Brother Ty

Big brother Ty

Reid on diapers

My grandson Reid,
born 9/25/2002

Reid on diapers

My granddaughter Isabelle Rose La Polla,
born 10/23/02

Reid and Isabelle with grandpa

Proud grandpa holding both new babies!

Reid's first Halloween!

Cousins Isabelle and Reid

Cousins Ty and Dawson

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Email me at txmnjim@geocities.com or txmn96jim@aol.com for further information. Please continue... There are plenty more pages. See the links below. And thank you all for visiting.


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