
Statistics: n. vital information on a desired topic (ie. me)

Wow, it's been forever since I've updated this. And, if you're still reading this, then let me say bravo, you are a great stalker. Eh, maybe you're just bored and miss knowing about me. In hopes that I might update this, you decide to look at it and see if I have. Which by the looks of it, several people still do. Don't worry, I don't have names. You can keep reading. Anyway, to satisfy your curiosity, I have updated. No new pics cause I like to protect my identity somehow, but enjoy the few things I have put up. It might be a few sleepless nights of checking for you to find new stuff.

Name: Diane Michele Emert
School: Alumni of Penn State, Blue and White forever
Family: Todd Don and Janice Scott Lori and AJ and Rusty.
Favorite Music Group: Bon Jovi
Favorite Flower: Stargazer Lillies or Pink Roses, why not buy me some?
Favorite Animal: Elephants

That's it. Nothing more to see here. Move along. Click HERE to return to the main page.