My Testimony

My Testimony

      I have gone to church ever since 9 months and two weeks before I was born. If I was sick, I stayed home and watched our church service on TV. Church became a duty, not an option.
      I was saved when I was six, in first grade, my parents were a big part of it. Around Christmas time I was baptized. Since I became a Christian when I was 6 there weren't many big temptations for me to give in to, so I was pretty much a good kid. There wasn't much of a change in my life.
      I live in a small town, and I went to the same school until I was in fifth grade. It never really crossed my mind that there were people who didn't believe in God. I figured everyone was a Christian because my friends and family were, and they were they only people I really knew. I assumed everyone loved God like I did, was I ever wrong.
      So, until I was in junior high I never had much of a walk with God. Slowly it came to me what being a Christian really was. I realized that there were people in my school who weren't going to heaven. I finally began to take my life more seriously. But, I still really didn't know much about God besides the obvious I learned in Sunday School. Being in High School has really brought a big change for me. Between all the church camps I have been to and the "spiritual highs" I have experienced, I have really grown as a Christian. I am definately taking my walk more seriously. I don't want to regret not witnessing to someone or turning someone away from God because of my behavior. I am trying to stay on fire for God.
      Now that I am older, most of the time, I am given the option of whether I want to go to church or not. Although it's my choice, I still go because I know the importance of it now. My goal this year is to read the Bible all the way through.

Where do you want to go now?

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Changes last made on January 9, 1999.
If you have any suggestions or comments please e-mail me,
or if you just want to tell me you came by.
Laura Canada