Malaysian Metal Homepage
The Eastern Forces of Metal!!!

The Eastern Forces of Metal!!!

Judas Priest Welcome back!!! Yeah there was still nothing special in the last month. But I get more letters and promos especially for my snail zine, Metal Terus. However those who appeared in Metal Terus should have the chance to appear in this website also. So don't worry. The queue is running.
Anyway, I have directed a link to Metal Terus fanzine here. Unfortunately it is totally written in Malays because Metal Terus itself is a Malay language fanzine. But if that still interest you (that is if you are not Malay spoken) you can still have a browse there and don't hesitate to send in something (yeah, free stuffs... what else? but you can sure it is a dedicated zine... just ask who have read it)...
As usual this page is dedicated to METAL, not purposedly on Death or Black Metal. If you have a METAL band, I mean whether you are Death, Black, Heavy, Thrash, Speed, Ambient, Modern, X-Files...anything but you still put Metal after it...You are welcome. Send in some stuffs man...
So come on bands, zines and labels...You know what you should do... ENJOY!!!

Click here for an advance hearing to the latest LANGSUIR track... Descent of the Fire Breathed


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