
"Laughing Out My Ass"

In case you didn't know, a webring is a list of pages all linked together that somehow share some common theme. If you'd like to be included in my webring, then please fill out the information below and an email will be sent to you... You can also nominate a site to be included in the ring, just make sure you write in that person's email instead of your own... (You/he/she will receive automated instructions through email on what to do next) As soon as possible, a ring master will visit your site to see that it meets the criteria established (which basically means that it's somewhat amusing) and if so, then include you in the ring...(You must put the proper code in before being fully admitted. Two examples and their codes are available below)

Submit Or Nominate A Site
Site Title:
Site URL:
E-mail (of site owner):

Choose a Password:
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

This is the imagemap version of the ring and its code can be accessed here. NOTE: This imagemap is also available in a lighter version(for lighter pages) and I can also custom-color it to match your page(although you should inform me if you need that since it may take a while depending on my schedule).

This is the old version of the ring and if you prefer it, its code is here. The colors you see here are the colors you get.
This Laughing Out My Ass site is owned by kittylady.

Want to join the ring?
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