While You're Staying

Member of:

Also of:

"Bard On, Gabrielle"

[ PT Creations | Ryath21@aol.com | Frames ]

**Message from Photie!- I haven't edited this page in over a year, but it seems to be doing rather well on it's own, so I'll leave it as it is. I don't have a guest book, however if you visit this page, for the first time, or the Nth, please Email me a message saying "hi" so I can get an idea of who comes on this page. Thank you!

Please, come, sit, or just stare at the lovely Gabrielle if you choose. This is a place of enjoyment for all. People come from around the net to learn and to teach about the all powerful Gabrielle, Goddess of X:WP.

If you are new to the campus, you may want to roam a bit. Here are a few Things we have open to the public:

Upcoming ROC Events!

GabChat Channels! This easy to use chat is open 24/7 to anyone wanting to chat about our favorite bard. You can also access Warrior Bard Chat from here.

NEW! The Sounds of Gab! Sounds from Episodes and Transcripts from Interviews!

Fan Fiction/Art - Email me your FanFiction or art work and have it posted here!

Royal Gallery of Gab- View Pictures of Gab from your favorite episodes

Links Page - Soon to come: Free for all Links Page

Who is Renee O'Connor?? Find Out here

My own Little Page- Discover a little about the maker of this page, and take a guess of your own

Sign and View the Guestbook/Messageboard

Want to know what's going on in Gab Tech? Check out the Bulletin Board on What's New in Gab Tech University.

ALSO, Vote for Renee O'Connor Here!

If you would like to join Clan MacGabs' Listserve, then email:

and put

Sub GABSClan

as the subject.
But before you join, I would suggest sitting in on a Clan MacGab course.

To join the Warriors of Xena/Bards of Gabrielle, Goto their homepage

Gab Tech University
-These pages are a branch of PT Creations
-All graphics were made by Photie, with the exception of the arrows, letters, and weave background which were created by WD Laurie
-This web site is a, non-profit place. All contents are used without permission unless otherwise stated. All of these neato names like Gabrielle and Xena and Argo and what nots are owned by MCA
-This page is updated almost dailey

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