Welcome To The Home Of The Hot Tubbers Acrophobia Team

Hot Tubbers

Acro Team

(The tub is always warm and inviting)

Welcome To The Hot Tubbers Acrophobia Team Home Page

Unfortunately, due to work constraints, the Hot Tubbers are no longer an active Acrophobia team. Thanks to all the teams who helped make our time in team competition enjoyable. Also, a big Thank you to Hawkins, Chadzilla and the rest of the crew at Team Acro, for all your help and tireless efforts. See you all around Acrophobia.

dcm77, WickedWanda and all the Hot Tubbers

Our Team Record for January: Wins 19 Losses 1

Team Acro's Highest Winning Percentage for January

Here is a list of our teams members, and maybe even a picture or two:
To all my ex-teammates who played on the Hot Tub team, thank you it was a fun time, and I really enjoyed it.


Byte Me2, WickedWanda, dcm77, BamaGal, SammyGal, leprakan, DTennant, tickleme, JeanBee, PREDAT0R, Pantherman, DeafNUgly, The Shape, EroticGirl, $Tigger, Phil MaCrack, Molson&Dry, Calvin Klein,

Team members can check the calendar link below for upcoming matches,or look over the Team Acro Rules, or check results from previous matches

Acroteam Rules

Team Calendar

Match Results

One of our favorite things to do is, of course, play Acrophobia. If you do not know what Acro is click the link below. If you've played acro before this link will take you home. LOL

go play acro now

(c) 1998 Berkeley Systems, Inc. Acrophobia is a registered service mark of Berkeley Systems, Inc.

If You would like to check out sites from other Acrophobia Rooms just click the link below

Acrophobes Lounge

(c) 1998 Berkeley Systems, Inc. Acrophobia is a registered service mark of Berkeley Systems, Inc.

If You are interested in joining or starting a team, contact Hawkins at the Team Acro page. They have all the information you need.

Team Acro

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Acrophobia is a service mark of Berkeley Systems, Inc. The content of this site was created by an individual independent of Berkeley Systems, Inc. The views expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of Berkeley Systems, Inc.

Hot Tubbers Logo courtesy of ~TLR~ WebDesign, all rights reserved. Thanks ~Allyrah~

(c) 1998 Double D Associates, and dcm77. All right reserved.