The Homepage of

Sea Cadet Webring

This Web Ring was created in May, 1998. The main purpose of this page is to establish a world wide Sea Cadet community on the internet, to help promote sea cadet related homepages and make surfing the net easier for everybody else.

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Surfing the Sea Cadet Webring:

This Sea Cadet Webring site is owned by Tung Siu.

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Join the Sea Cadet Webring:

Any personal or organizational homepage with sea cadet related topic are welcomed to summit to the Sea Cadet Webring. But only the approved ones will be listed in the ring.

To join the Sea Cadet Webring, please follow the steps listed below closely.

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 This <b><a href="/TimesSquare/Ring/7417/index.html" target="_top">Sea Cadet Webring</a>    site is owned by</b> 
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<br><br> <b>Want to join the 
<a href="/TimesSquare/Ring/7417/index.html" target="_top">Sea Cadet Webring</a>?</b><br><br><b>
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Need any help? Feel free to e-mail to Sea Cadet Webring Ringmaster anytime.


Ahoy, sailors. I'll need some graphics to make this page and ring more exciting. If you have any, please send it to me. Some links of sea cadet pages that I didn't list below will be helpful too. Thank you.

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