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Rock Art: Petroglyphs and Pictographs links - page 1

Rock Links has been UPDATED: the new URL is (automatic redirection in 10")

by Footsteps of Man

1055 links on July 1977: a world-wide hypertextual encyclopedia showing Rock Art sites, texts, pictures, to diffuse knowledge in Rupestrian Archaeology, to make a world-wide comparison between engraved rocks and recording methods.
Please help us in maintaining this page by submitting any not included URL or any correction. Before being inserted in the specific page new links (URL with description) will be posted in the RA Web Board, to avoid long waiting between Rock-Link updates. New links in red.

appreciate reciprocal links

    Rock Links is maintained by Footsteps of Man, an IFRAO association from Valcamonica - Italy. It takes part in RockArtNet.

    Link to RockArtNet: please feel free to add these HTML lines in your Rock Art WEB page.


    Every search (Lycos - Altavista - Infoseek) has been conducted by keywords as:
    petroglyph - pictograph - rock art - art rupestre - petroglifo - petrograbado - helleristninger.
    It means (each search engine update) thousands of pages to surf (growing...), often not rock art related.
    Another problem is finding a geographical order for US links.

    To any Rock Art researcher and web surfer interested in helping us to maintain these pages:
    • putting in geographic order US sites
    • surfing bookmarks obtained by keyword search
    • trying new keywords
    • testing links
    • spell checking
    please contact Footsteps of Man


  1. Vale do Côa Página Principal
    Main page: refer to it about Côa Valley experience (in Portuguese). Full of interesting informations.

  2. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), Some corrections about the Côa Petroglyphs, by Robert G. Bednarik

  3. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), A question of style - Direct Dating vs. Rupestrian Archaeology? by A. Arcà - A. Fossati

  4. The Côa Valley affair
    by João Zilhão (TRACCE no. 4)

  5. A question of skin - AMS vs. Rupestrian Archaeology?
    by A. Arcà - A. Fossati (TRACCE no. 4)

  6. Vale do Côa Home Page

  7. Vale do Côa FAQ
    The most complete documentation about Côa Valley story (text). In Portuguese.

  8. Gravuras Foz Côa
    9 links to 9 sub-pages (very interesting images on Côa Rock Art).

  9. CôaNews
    Rock Art newsletter about Côa Valley and Portuguese Rock Art. By L.Jaffe and M.S. de Abreu. Portuguese/English

  10. Textos de Foz Côa
    5 text and bibliographic reference about Côa engravings (in Portuguese).

  11. Parques Arqueológicos
    World wide notices about Archaeological Parks text - (Portuguese).

  12. Complexo de arte rupestre paleolítica do vale do Côa, página principal
    Text and tracings, from Coimbra University

  13. As gravuras, António José Marques Silva, As gravuras paleolític
    A complete scientific exposition about site, engravings, dating, failed direct dating methods about Côa engravings. In Portuguese

  14. Arquivo foz coa, as gravuras
    Bibliographic reference to Palaeolithic art (Portuguese).

  15. Arquivo da Imprensa, As Gravuras paleolíticas do Vale do Côa
    A huge press reference on Côa Valley story

  16. A batalha do Côa, António José Marques Silva, As gravuras paleoliticas
    The history of the discovery and the saving of Côa Valley engravings (pictures-text-Portuguese).

  17. Rock Art Saved
    Short text on halting Côa Dam, by Archaeological Institute of America

  18. Virtual Foz Côa
    The most important Rock Art discovery in Europe of the last years. Palaeolithic open air Rock Art menaced by a dam, in a wrong way pseudo-scientifically direct-dated recently, now saved from the new Portuguese gouvernement. Portuguese - French - English text and pictures.

  19. COA NEWS
    The most complete text about Côa victory, by APAAR

  20. Un site paleolithique menace de destruction a Vila Nova de FOZ COA (Portugal)
    6 k text to save Palaeolithic Rock Art of Foz Côa (Portugal).

  21. Construction of the Foz Côa Dam is now canceled!
    November 1995: good news from Côa Valley.

  22. Rock Art from Côa Valley
    1 JPG about Côa Valley engravings: Aurochsen analized by "direct dating"

  23. Rock Art from Côa Valley
    1 JPG from Panel 6 at Penacosa

  24. Foz Côa Dating Project
    Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating, by New Mexico Institute of mining and Technology, funded by EDP. Scientific text

  25. Foz Côa Dating Project
    chlorin-36 surface exposure dating by Fred Phillips and Montgomery Flinsch. Introduction and links

  26. JPEG image 440x335 pixels
    23 k. A map of Côa valley, after Zilhao 1995.

  27. JPEG image 440x293 pixels
    16 k. A chart for surface exposure of Côa Valley rocks

  28. Petroglyph Pictures
    Foz Côa dating project

  29. ANTIQUITY: Coa dating - Bednarik
    Abstract of Bednarik paper in Antiquity 66, December 1995 about Coa Engravings

  30. De Foz Côa à l'ensemble du territoire Portugais
    by L. Oosterbeek, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  31. Côa Valley: the Discovery
    by Abreu -Arcà-Fossati-Jaffe, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  32. Côa Valley: from the Dam to the Park
    by Abreu -Arcà-Fossati-Jaffe, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  33. The Vermelhosa site and the "Etched in time" project
    by Abreu -Arcà-Fossati-Jaffe, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  34. The Iron Age in the Rock Art of Vermelhosa, Portugal
    by by A. Fossati, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  35. Palaeolithic figures in the rock n. 1 of Vermelhosa
    by A. Arcà, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  36. The geology of the Douro and Côa Valley
    by J. A. Bravo Nunez, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  37. Do it nice or give you the truth?
    by B. Campos, tracing at Vermelhosa, TRACCE 5 text and pictures (Coa, Portugal)

  38. Côwa Valley joke...
    by C.V.R.A., TRACCE 5 (Coa, Portugal)

  39. Vermelhosa Rock Art
    B/W tracings, 20 K JPG by Etched in time Research Project (Coa - Portugal)


  40. Chauvet cave
    The Chauvet (from the name of the discoverer) palaeolithic painted cave was discovered on 1994, December: it is even more important than Lascaux. Text and 5 pictures. Print it with a colour printer!

    Scientific radiocarbon dating from Palaeolithic cave paintings in France. Very useful text, in French.

  42. Chauvet Cave
    Two minutes both real audio and written text about Chauvet Cave, from Earth and Sky

  43. ANTIQUITY: Thematic changes in Upper Palaeolithic art: a view from the Grotte Chauvet
    Abstract of J. Clottes paper in Antiquity 268 June 1996

  44. M. Henri Cosquer
    A page dedicated to the discoverer of Cosquer Palaeolithic Cave. Good text (French) and a good color picture.

  45. Grotte Cosquer : les animaux terrestres
    Great page about Cosquer Cave paintings, with text and 6 related (more than 400K each!) JPG, about animals (horses, deer, ibex) probably not compressed. (France) Reach it!

  46. Grotte Cosquer
    Introduction and two 60-90K GIF drawings of Cosquer Cave situation (France)

  47. Grotte Cosquer : les animaux marins
    Penguins depictions in Cosquer Cave (text and 400K JPG) (France).

  48. Grotte Cosquer : les mains
    Text and 2 (400 K) JPG of hand depictions in Cosquer Cave (France)

  49. EDF - Electricité de France histoire: La grotte Cosquer en trois dimensions
    3D reconstruction of Cosqer Cave, introduction (France)

  50. Bibliographie et filmographie
    J. Clottes, grotte Cosquer, books and tapes (France)

  51. Palaeolithic graphic images
    from Paleopsicology. A complete and useful introduction to palaeolithic (French) Rock Art. many links to Lascaux, Font de Gaume, Cougnac, la Baume Latrone, Chauvet, Abri Bourdois, Cosquer, Chauvet

  52. Siemens Nixdorf, cours sur le web
    A 37 K GIF showing Lascaux deers (France)

  53. Analysis
    European Upper Palaeolithic art has enough figurative detail to infer aspects of animal appearance and behaviour. 59 K Lascaux GIF (France)

  54. LWP : Montignac-Lascaux
    A Lascaux bull 98 K GIF. INteresting text about Lascaux I and II (France)

  55. LWP : Montignac-Lascaux
    Une visite inoubliable: Lascaux avec trois 16 K JPG (France)

  56. LWP : Montignac-Lascaux
    Lascaux II, la réproduction: deux 20 K JPG (France)

    Benjamin Britton is an artist who exhibits interactive artforms. Beautiful Virtual Lascaux for exhibitions, experienced at UISPP congress! (France)

  58. LWP : Montignac-Lascaux
    La Grotte aux Cent Mammouths à Ruffignac. 18 K JPG Mammouth and Ibex (France)

  59. lascaux
    horse, 48 K GIF (France)

  60. Cave of Lascaux
    Text and two 14-33 K JPG, auroch, swimming deers (France)

  61. The LASCAUX Cave
    Text informations (France)

  62. The Lascaux cave
    Four beautiful 60 K GIF: aurochs, deers (France)

  63. Index of /~pierre/LaSCoW/images
    About 30 10-650 K GIF: very interesting pictures and tracings (France)

  64. parcours art prehistorique pyrenees
    Huge documentation (39 GIF) about paleolithic (most mobiliar) art in Pyrenées (France)

  65. Pech Merle
    Presentation and a 32 K Gif showing horses and handprints (France)

  66. Pleistocene Art
    A mammoth depiction at Pech Merle, France. This clearly indicates that the art is of Pleistocene age. 96 K GIF(France)

  67. COVER: As early humans migrated around the globe, image making spread rapidly
    TIME Domestic, February 13, 1995. Interesting text on Palaeolithic rock art world wide.

  68. British Archaeology, no 6, July 1995: Features
    Struggling artists of the Ice Age, by Paul Pettitt. Interesting hypotheses on Palaeolithic cave paintings: painted animals and bones as part of a myth.

    best spanish Palaeolithic art web site (with sub-links)

  70. The Altamira cave
    Short introduction.

  71. The Altamira cave:
    1 picture (55 k, a Bison, from a book).

  72. Altamira
    Reproduction of Altamira Cave paintings in the Deutsches Museum, Muenchen. Text and few pics (Germany)

    Palaeolithic Rock Art in Micolon cave (Spain). Text (Spanish) and 3 color pictures (bear, horse, labyrinth).

  74. Photos of La Garma
    A baeautiful Photo Gallery with 9 pictures about La Garma Cave Paleolithic paintings. Reach it! Slow (Spain)

  75. Palaeolithic rock art in La Garma
    Archaeological text and a reduced JPG (horse figure) about La Garma cave site (Spain).

  76. Museo JOAN CABRE de Calaceite
    con las reproducciones de las pinturas de la Cova de la Saltadora y de la Cova del Civil, text only (Spain)

  77. Window on Stone Age
    by Leorn Jaroff, Time magazine article on Chauvet cave discovery.

  78. Venus figurines
    and Iconic Signs. Text and 6 B/W and colour about Paleolithic sculptured female and vulvas mobiliar art.

  79. Mothers of time
    scientific text, tables and pictures on Balzi Rossi cave and mobiliar palaeolithic art in many different pages (by an exhibition at Canadian Museum of Civilisation).

  80. L'archeologia a Favignana
    Text and a 37K JPG about prehistoric cave paintings of Favignana Island (Sicily - Italy)

  81. Graphics in an Iconic Culture
    why they did and how they did in Palaeolithic Rock Art. Interesting text with many useful links.

  82. Magdalenian engraved shelter
    at Roc aux Sorcières (France). 3 pages and pictures.

  83. Cave paintings
    research in France.

  84. Palaeolithic Rock Art
    National Department. 80 cave Rock Art sites all over the France. Geographics map, thematic access, images... beautiful! (but under construction).

    Cuevas de Santimamine (Rock Art caves): short text informations: opening time, price.

    Alps - Italy

  86. VALCAMONICA: Alpine Rock Art, one of the most important european rock art sites

  87. VALCAMONICA: arte rupestre, periodi, stili, libri

  88. Valcamonica Rock Art sites
    most important engraved sites, english and italian version, by Footsteps of Man

  89. Valcamonica Rock Art periods
    prehistoric periods, english and italian version, by Footsteps of Man

  90. Valcamonica Rock Art books
    Rupestrian Archaeology books, english and italian version, by Footsteps of Man

  91. Rock Art educational experiences
    8 years Turin children in Valcamonica: drawings, records and tales, by GRCM, Italian, English and reduced version

  92. Valcamonica Rock Art tracings
    B/W tracings, by Footsteps of Man

  93. Valcamonica Rock Art the Rock of the Week
    color JPG, updated not every week (scanning problems)... by Footsteps of Man

  94. Valcamonica Rock Art photo gallery
    9 color 10-20 K JPEG, by Footsteps of Man, reach it!

  95. Valcamonica Rock Art photo gallery 2
    7 color 10-20 K JPEG, by Footsteps of Man

  96. Valcamonica and Valtellina fieldworks
    learning to trace, record and imagine Rock Art, by Footsteps of Man

  97. Summer fieldwork 1996
    Rupestrian Archaeology records of Grosio, Dosso Giroldo (Valtellina) and PIV 4 (Valcamonica), by fieldwork participants, data, tracings, Real Audio

  98. Scheda di roccia e archivio figure
    di Paspardo in Valle roccia 4 (Valcamonica) compilata da Donatella Stamer Artista - partecipante alla campagna di ricerca, data, rilievi, Real Audio

  99. Rock Art educational experiences
    8 years Turin children in Valcamonica: drawings, records and tales, by GRCM, Italian, English and reduced version, reach it!

  100. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), Ossimo Chalcolithic site (Central Alps), by F. Fedele

  101. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), The State of the Research (Alpine Arc), part **, by A. Fossati

  102. The State of the Research (Alpine Arc) part ***,
    by A. Fossati (TRACCE no. 4)

  103. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 2 (Mar 1996), Rock no. 20 of Redondo (Valcamonica), by E. Marchi

  104. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), The Architectural Representations (Valcamonica), by Emanuela Tognoni

  105. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), A new rock from Naquane (Valcamonica), by Katalyn Ernyey

  106. Sliding into enlightenment
    by Valcamonica Fieldwork participants, TRACCE 5 text and pictures

  107. The village named Camuna has a party on the moon
    by IIIE classroom children, TRACCE 5 text and pictures

  108. Stele Preistorica
    A 16K JPG and 2 B/W tracing about Ossimo copper Age Stele (Valcamonica)

  109. Rilievo iconografico
    Archaeologic text and a 36K JPG (B/W tracing) of Ossimo 4 Copper Age stele

  110. Rilievo grafico
    Informative text and a 13K B/W gif (tracing) of Ossimo 7 Copper Age stele

  111. Arte rupestre della Valcamonica
    The page of Ceto-Cimbergo-Paspardo Rock Art Reserve (Valcamonica). B/W tracings, introduction text, tours.

  112. La Valle Camonica
    General introduction to Valcamonica Rock Art. Text (italian) and tracings.

  113. Le Tecniche di Incisione
    Engraving techniques in Valcamonica, text (In Italian)

  114. Le Incisioni
    Dating table of Valcamonica engravings

  115. La Casa del Fabbro
    Blacksmith's house engraved rock at Pia' d'Ort (Valcamonica, B/W tracing and italian text)

  116. Il Parco di Naquane
    A tracing (GIF) of engraved looms and informations about Naquane National Park

  117. Il Parco di Sellero
    A 12 K B/W GIF of topographic engravings (seller orock n. 39) and text informations of Sellero engraved area

  118. CCSP English
    The main page of CCSP (Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici), many little B/W rock art icons (GIF)

  119. M1
    Information about CCSP (Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici) text and tracings (Nyle Valley, Seradina, Egypt)

  120. Italy
    Rock Engravings of Valcamonica, fieldwork by CCSP, text, B/W tracings, a 15 K JPG

  121. Immagini
    Italian text about first period in Valcamonica engravings and a B/W GIF of Iron Age warriors (tracings)

  122. Immagini
    Italian text and traced engravings (B/W GIF) of I-II Anati's periodisation in Valcamonica Rock Art (Neolithic)

  123. Immagini
    Italian text and traced engravings (B/W GIF) of III Anati's periodisation in Valcamonica Rock Art (Copper-Bronze Age)

  124. Immagini
    Italian text and traced engravings (B/W GIF) of IV Anati's periodisation in Valcamonica Rock Art (Bronze-Iron Age)

  125. Immagini
    Valcamonica rock art images (4 tracings and 1 picture) from Foppe di Nadro Park. Bronze Age axes, etruscan inscriptions, antropomorphic figures.

  126. Immagini
    Valcamonica rock art images (42 B/W GIF) from Foppe di Nadro Park. Iron Age warriors.

    English home page of Ceto-Cimbergo-Paspardo Reserve engraved area (Valcamonica)

  128. Località CAPO DI PONTE
    A little picture and text about Rock Art in Capo di Ponte and Naquane National Park (Valcamonica), by TCI

  129. Labyrinth of the Month: November
    Labyrinth (Iron Age) from rock 1 of Naquane (Valcamonica). A bad photo.

  130. Rock Art in the Alps: Valtellina
    introduction, english and italian reduced version, by Footsteps of Man

  131. Rock Art in the Alps: Valtellina
    Neolithic period and first Copper Age, spirals and topographic representations, text and pictures, by Footsteps of Man

  132. Rock Art in the Alps: Valtellina
    Copper Age, engraved stelae, text and pictures, by Footsteps of Man

  133. Rock Art in the Alps: Valtellina
    Bronze Age, "orants", text and pictures, by Footsteps of Man

  134. Rock Art in the Alps: Valtellina
    Iron Age, "warriors", text and pictures, by Footsteps of Man

  135. Rock Art in the Alps: Valtellina
    Rupe Magna, the biggest engraved rock in the Alps, by Footsteps of Man

  136. Rock record and archive of figures
    of Grosio, Dosso Giroldo (Valtellina) by Marios Cleovoulou - fieldwork participant, data, tracings, Real Audio

  137. Rock record and archive of figures
    of Grosio, Dosso Giroldo (Valtellina) by Jenny Hill - student (Archaeology) - fieldwork participant, data, tracings, Real Audio

  138. Scheda di roccia e archivio figure
    of Grosio, Dosso Giroldo (Valtellina) compilata da Elena Celada studentessa (Geologia) - partecipante alla campagna di ricerca, dati, rilievi, Real Audio

  139. Il NOTIZIARIO di BPS Dic 95:
    Article about "Rupe Magna" engravings (Valtellina, in Italian). Three 20-60 K JPG. By Fossati-Ruggiero, in italian with English abstract

  140. Park of Engraved Rocks of Grosio Archaeological text

  141. Rock Art in the Alps: western Alps
    cup-marks, meanders, axes, schematic antropomorphs, text and 10-25 K JPG, by Footsteps of Man and GRCM, reach it!

  142. Alpine Cultural Heritage
    Alpine culture, and rock art, by Gruppo Ricerche Cultura Montana (GRCM - Torino, Italy)

  143. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 2 (Mar 1996), The State of the Research (Alpine Arc), by A. Fossati

  144. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 2 (Mar 1996), "Topographic" Engravings (Alpine Arc), by A. Arca'

  145. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), "Topographic" Engravings (Alpine Arc), part **, by A. Arca'

  146. "Topographic" Engravings (Alpine Arc) part ***,
    by A. Arca' (TRACCE no. 4)

  147. OTHERS
    Copper Age stelae in the Alps, with related pictures of Arco Group (Italy)

  148. arco1
    Archaeological text and 2 9-14 K GIF of Arco 1 Copper Age masterpiece stele (Italy)

  149. Analysis
    Ploughing depicted in Val Camonica engravings, 850 to 700 BC. 70 K GIF (Italy)

  150. La Valle Camonica short text

    in Pellice Valley (western Alps), good and long text, cup-marks and other engravings (Italy)

  152. Cultura
    Rock art in Val Pellice (western Alps): cup-mark ans schematic figures. Text (italian), 2 pictures, and detailed trail.

  153. Ultime notizie sull'archeologia in Como
    Vandalized engraved rocks at Pianvalle - Como, text 2 90K JPG, by G.A.C.

    (Neolithic and Metal Ages)

  154. EuRA
    European Rock Art: text and Photo Gallery, mostly Alpine Rock Art

    Extra site! Dolmens, cairns, standing stones, stone circles from Scotland, Ireland, England. More than 60 sub-pages.

  156. Introducción al monumento megalitico de Dombate
    A complete archaeological introduction (and something more) on a megalithic monument with pictographs and petroglyphs (Spain, by José M. Bello Dieguez). Best example for archaeological documentation. From A.P.A.G. page

  157. Los Grabados Rupestres de Tourón y Redondela-Pazos de Borbén como Ejemplos de un Paisaje con
    resumen de un texto de Manuel Santos Estévez (arte rupestre Gallego - E)

  158. Megalithic art in Beira Alta (Portugal)
    Scientific text and 1 picture of painted megalithic monument (Antelas).

  159. Dólmen de Antelas, Domingos J. da Cruz, Cyberarqueólogo Português, vol II, 1996, Associação Independente Arqueologia, Archaeology
    Archaeological text and a 40K GIF about rock paintings (direct dated 3625-3140 AC) of Antelas dolmen (End of Neolithic, Portugal), by Domingos J. da Cruz

  160. Newgrange
    megalithic tomb (spirals engraved). Presentation and pictures.

  161. Newgrange
    and megalithic art. Short presentation, linked picture (119 k), B/W draft tracings.

  162. Megalithic Art Gallery
    Beautiful! 35 *.jpg and *.gif on Knowth Tumulus (Boyne Valley Megalithic engraved (spirals) slabs, Ireland).

  163. Geniet: Megalithic art
    Text and two 10K GIF of B/W tracing in Knowth engraved slabs (Ireland)

  164. QTVR/Knowth
    Text, panoramic view and a 616 K QTMOV (Ireland)

  165. Pierres Plates
    decorated stone in megalithic tomb. 1 picture (80 k) by Clive Ruggles.

  166. Pierres Plates
    interior in megalithic tomb with decorated stones. 1 picture (55 k) by Clive Ruggles.

  167. Labyrinth of the Month
    It's a rock carving in Northumberland. Considerations about labyrinths.

  168. Lunigiana stelae
    Beautiful! 29 Copper Age stelae of Lunigiana described one by one with picture (10 k JPG) and archaeological text, by Gruppo Arch. Pisano, and Archaeological Superintendency (Italy)

  169. Country and Environment
    Map of the Lunigiana Copper Age stelae-statues discovery sites (Italy)

  170. Groups
    The stylistic groups of the stelae-statues of Lunigiana: archaeological text and 3 drawings (Italy)

  171. DAGGERS
    Engraved Coppe Age daggers in Lunigiana stelae, text and six 4-7 K GIF (Italy). Fundamental.

  172. Axes and Javelins
    in Lunigiana stelae, text and four 4-7 K GIF (Italy)

  173. Jewels
    The female Jewels in Lunigiana Copper Age stelae: a 14 K gif (Italy)

  174. LAST USE
    Reutilisation of stelae, two 6-14 K GIF (Italy)

  175. Monte San Savino - (AR) - Italy
    a 9 k JPG of an engraved figure (Italy)

  176. Rock Art in the Alps: Mt. Bego
    text and Photo Gallery, by Footsteps of Man (English)

  177. Rock Art in the Alps: Mt. Bego
    text and Photo Gallery, by Footsteps of Man (Italian)

  178. La natura, gli uomini e la loro storia
    Under the page of Argentera Natural Park, few lines of text about Mt. Bego engravings and a B/W table of tracings (in italian)

  179. FAMILY
    Bronze age engravings from Bohuslan,text and 2 20K JPG, by CCSP (Sweden)

  180. Finno-Ugrian Petroglyphs

  181. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio81
    Rock Carvings in the White sea. B/W tracing, text about whale-hunting petroglyph. Very interesting!

  182. The Whale-Watching-Web: Petroglyph sites at Besov Nos
    Prehistoric sanctuary at lake Onega. Long text and two tracings.

  183. The Whale-Watching-Web: Petroglyphs in Viena Karelian Isthmus
    A clickable map to walkabout in Petroglyphs of Finno-Ugrian Dreamtime

  184. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio81
    B/W tracing: a full scene of animals, footprint, men...

  185. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio76
    Hunting beluga in the White Sea (2000 B.C.): a B/W tracing. Very interesting.

  186. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Abo Museum report 11
    Rock carvings in the Lake Onega (2000 B.C.). A 48 k B/W picture.

  187. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio62
    Petroglyphs in the White Sea Rock Cliffs (4000-3000 B.C.). A B/W tracingof a man with beluga trail.

  188. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio38
    Rock carvings in the Lake Onega (4000 - 3000 B.C.). Two B/W tracings of fishes.

  189. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio74
    Rock carvings in the White Sea (4000 - 300 B.C.): a B/W tracing of a complete scene of fishing. Very interesting.

  190. The Whale-Watching-Web: Rock Comics/Autio84
    Rock carvings in the White Sea (4000 - 300 B.C.): a B/W tracing of a complete scene with elks and hunters. Very interesting.

  191. The Whale-Watching-Web: Vienachild goes to Greece
    A click map to walkabout from Finno-Ugrian Dreamtime into Greek Dreamtime. under construction, but genial (each rock art figure a thematic link).

  192. Kizhi
    few lines of text about Kizhi petroglyphs (Karelia, Russia)

  193. Karelia.
    Few lines of text and a reduced GIF about Onega Lake and white Sea engravings (Russia).

  194. GIF image 494x309 pixels
    A 92 K GIF of Besos Novo "demon" figure, lake Onega (Russia)

  195. Data About Lake Onega Rock Art
    Complete archaeological text by Vaino Poikalainen (Estonian society of Prehistoric Art) related with 10 pictures links (tracings-rubbings). Tables and bibliography. Best done! Reach it!

  196. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item03
    The tracing (4K GIF) of the major panel of Besos Nos (Onega, Russia)

  197. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item03
    The rubbing (22K JPG) ofn engraved swan (Lake Onega, Russia)

  198. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item06
    The tracing of engraved double waterfowl (Onega)

  199. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item07
    Totemic swan men (2K GIF) from the western site of Besov Nos

  200. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item08
    The tracing (1K GIF) of a solar sign from Peri 6 (Onega)

  201. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item09
    The tracing (1K GIF) of a "Crosier" from Peri 6 (Onega)

  202. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item11
    The tracing (1K GIF) of a fish form Besov Nos (Onega)

  203. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item13
    A negative rubbing (33 K GIF) of a boat from Cape Karetski (Onega)

  204. The Whale-Watching-Web: Poikalainen/onegast/item14
    The tracing (2K GIF) of a "Magic Mill" from Cape Swan (Onega)

  205. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), Galician Petroglyphs, by Antonio Alvarez Nuñez

  206. Borre Ludvigsen's rock carvings page
    Interesting B/W and quick to load tracings from norvegian Bronze Age Rock Art (3000 BP).

  207. Petroglyphs Sweden
    another page of Borre Ludvigsen, with linked related pictures (small ans large size) and tracings links. Well done! (Bohuslan, Sweden)

  208. QTVR panorama of a site of ships
    at Hornes in Skjeberg east of Fredrikstad. (424 Kb needs QuickTime VR player for Mac or Windows.) (Sweden) Reach it!

  209. JPEG image 528x360 pixels
    28 K JPG: engraved ship, in night grazing light (Sweden)

    A long list of books. Text only (Scandinavia)

  211. Helleristningene på Ronglan
    40 K GIF: a carved fish? (Norway)

  212. Alta
    a red traced figure (Norway)

  213. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Whale-Watching-Web
    The Finno-Ugrian Petroglyph Museum from Stoneage. A B/W gif (fishing scene) and many links

  214. British Archaeology, no 9, November 1995: Features
    Making sense of prehistoric rock art, by Richard Bradley. Interesting article on cup-marks interpretation

  215. British Archaeology, no 3, April 1995: News
    Uffington white horse (prehistoric hill picture, Britain) is now dated from the Late Bronze Age (c 1000 B.C.) by luminescence.

  216. Uffington White Horse : kbyon's Homepage #A2-1
    Three 12-17 K JPG about the Uffington Horse (UK)

  217. Cerne Abbas giant
    Short and useful informations and a 75k JPG (UK), by Stone Pages

  218. MA in the Archaeology and Antropology of Rock Art
    University of Southampton: theory and methods in Rock Art research, Rock Art and contemporary concerns, optional units, applications: a detailed program for graduates in archaeology, anthropology and art history. Text and pictures.

    Informations about this center. Rock Art inventory in French and Italian western Alps.

    Regions and pictorial dialects in the petroglyph record (about elks) of Eurasian Taiga: a project from Umea university (Sweden).

  221. Asian rare books catalogue
    Only the title of a '50 years russian review with a richly ill. article on petroglyph, to buy (RUS)


  222. Viking Age Rune stones A good introducing page. Very interesting.

  223. Några runstenar från Uppland / Some rune stones from Uppland16 URL with text, tracings and pictures. Very interesting.

  224. TRACCE - Online Rock Art Bulletin
    issue no. 3 (May 1996), Medieval Rock Engravings (Pisa, Italy), by P.E. Bagnoli

  225. Monte Cotrozzi
    Historical engraved rocks on Mt. Cotrozzi. Text and B/W JPG. Presented by GAP (Gruppo Archeologico Pisano, Italy)

    Valcamonica Rock Art

    Call any email information to:
    Andrea Arcà- Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo

    Or write or fax or phone to:
    Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo
    piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1- 25040 CERVENO (Bs), Italy
    tel. 39-364-433983 - fax 39-364-434351

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