The Andre Grandie's Shrine

Kimi wa hikari, boku wa kage!

Berusaiyu No Bara! A landmark in the history of the shoujo manga, created by the wonderful Riyoko Ikeda in the mid 1970's. Berubara is absolutely the kind of anime that grabs your heart and changes your life forever. This is one of the reasons why I dedicate this page to Andre Grandier and Oscar Jarjayes: two people who were destined to be together and who fought for what they believed in.


Meet the Andre Grandier who cautivated the hearts of millions of fans around the globe in the animated televison series Lady Oscar.

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Meet the passionate and sensual Andre Grandier in Riyoko Ikeda's shoujo masterpice Berusaiyu No Bara.

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Musical arrangements courtesy of Steven Choy. Thank you!

Oscar & Andre . . . forever in my heart!

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This page is a production of "The Rose of Versailles Group."

Musical arrangements courtesy of Steven Choy. Thank you!

copyright 1997, 1998 by Patricia Villanueva

Berusaiyu No Bara is a creation of Riyoko Ikeda and Lady Oscar is a production of Tokyo Movie Shinsha. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: All images are property of their copyright owners, however they have been enhanced somewhat with Photoshop for your viewing experience only.

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