Malice-311(aka "Acid Drop")
the "feel good" web site of the jilted generation
I was born in a tiny hospital in Osaka, Japan while my mom was visiting relatives back in the homeland. Born after three siblings, my near-twin sister born just a year and a half before me, Ayumi(online her name is "Klan Widow"), my oldest sister Keshirawa(if she ever DOES come online with her lazy self she'll take the name "Jade"), and lastly my brother and oldest sibling, Eiji. Since then I've had plenty of ups and downs, but so far I think I've been turning out ok. Oh yeah, some important things to know about me...I get lots and lots of questions about my name, so I'll just start with that. Basically "Sid-311" is the nickname I took amongst my friends while at one of the local skateparks and it just stuck. My close friends call me "Acid Drop" , but as far as why, well...become a close friend sometime and I'll tell ya. Generally though people just call me by my real name, Jae(pronounced 'Jay'), or they call me "311", but obviously my "full name" is "Acid Drop-311". Being 19 years old, I'm a card carrying member of genaration X, I love the comic book "Gen 13", and 311 is my favorite band in the world. The blonde guy in the group pretty much has an "all access" pass when it comes to invading my subconcious after I fall asleep with my headphones whispering all of their lyrics. Ordinarily, I like industrial music, but 311 just kicks way too much ass. In my room I've got 311 posters, recordings(of the MTV videos), stickers, patches, and just about anything else I can get my hands on about them really. I sk8 of course, in California I skated just about everywhere as far as street skating. There aren't too many good sk8 parks where I live, but hey...are there ever? Of course, if you love skating as much as I do...then you probably don't give a damn about who and where you can sk8...just as long as you can sk8 when you want. To be honest though, I really don't care where I have to go, just so long as people don't get all in the way. There are very few things on this Earth that I hate worse than people giving me crap just cuz I sk8. I mean stupid is that? Very. It seems like some people even go out of their way just to tell me they think I'm a dilinquent/vandal/hoodlum/etc. when I haven't done s**t to them. Sux don't it? But I'll go into more detail on that later...
Back on the subject of this homepage though, Hey, I'm doing my best here, I know it's not as cool and wacked out as "The Asylum", or Hsien-Joy(Chun Li) and Ayumi's(Klan Widow) pages, but I'll just keep at it. In the different linx there's lots of stuff you can peek at. For example me and Khaos made a whole page dedicated to my favorite comic book "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac", my profile and basic common stuff, plenty of shareware for the comp tEkKiEs and all that, some quake stuff, a few links to some goofy stuff I just felt the need to throw up on the net and alot more. So get on in here and have fun!
By now you're probably noticing that I'm a HUGE "Tank Girl" fan, if you have then you'd be very correct, if you haven't then you probably need glasses. Tank Girl and Malice in Wonderland are two of my favorite comix, I of course have subscriptions and all, and check the web pages and all that daily for all the latest cool stuff on both. If you're a fellow fanatik, then don't worry, you've come to the right place.
Now available...
hot, oven-fresh LINKS!!! Delivered straight to your computer, click one today!!
Profile - As in my personal profile, go here to find out the basic stuff about me, how to contact me, my little personal pet peeves and so on.
Tank Girl stuff - Now you KNOW this page had to be here. But unfortunately, I'm not nearly finished with it. But you can still check out what little I've got up so far for a few cute pics and character descriptions.
My (short-lived)Modelling Career - Hey! Guess what? I got to model for a mag while I was in town(my cousin works on the staff, ain't you jealous now?), and it turned out pretty decent, so click here to see a few pics.
"Drop" tha BOMB(From Jae to Acid Drop-311) - This link is like a sort of 'recap' of my so-called life. I'm not too sure why I just felt the need to put this kind of a link here, since its extremely personal, but I guess that's how I am, when things affect or hurt me, I try to talk to as many people as possible to ease the pain of it all. It works the same way with general sadness and stuff too, click here if you want, but don't get mad if you go and suddenly realize it's hella depressing. Not all of it is of course, but sometimes it is, so just go here and find out!
The Dark Cypher Web Site: The central page of my Satanic Sisterhood
My Johnny the Homicidal Maniac page - It's under construction for now, come back later!!
Dammit!! If I've told you once...I've told you times!!!
The Grotto
Finally, I've found time to update my page, and I'm sure you've been tossing and turning night after agonizing night waiting for this to happen. But now you need only wait a little longer for this page, which is heavily under construction. Basically, this page will be dedicated to Satanism and free thinking, which includes my own personal beliefs. This isn't meant to be the top site on Satanism by any means. But it IS a place that supports feedback from people who like to use their heads as something other than just a place to store useless mainstream info. You are more than welcome, in fact ENCOURAGED to go here no matter what your religion if you support free-will and the freedom of thought as well as send in feedback. You may not agree with everything, but do you ever agree with everything when you hear someone else's opinion?
This page, so far, is the absolute best I've seen on the net as far as things to do, learn, and check out short of finding some page made by Anton Lavey himself. It's got tons of info, and if you're a Satanist or just someone who's open-minded, you'll get a kick out of some of the stuff they've put up there. I FULLY support what they're trying to do, and all of their hard work. Check it out!!(P.S.--If you're one of those people who goes around stealing graphics you find on other people's sites, I kinda wish you wouldnt do to much of that here unless you use a graphic to make a link back to my page. But the Satanic Network Graphic above is NOT to be used without their permission!! Go to their page and you can get one and see the requirements for using their stuff)
Sorry Netscape people, but this has to be done...
Get Microsoft Internet Explorer here or by hittin' that button below(oooo...aren't those nifty?), and cruise the net in style...(this page was designed and checked on both MIE and netscape, but it caters toward MIE users as far as load time, animation, etc...
Microsoft Internet Explorer...for the world conquerer in all of us...
E-Mail Me any questions, comments, whatever about this page, what you think and so forth. Beware though, pretty soon I'll be posting some of the better letters I get so make sure you don't say nuthin that'd make you look like an idiot later >)