SeiShinKan Aikido

Welcome to the unofficial home page of the Aikido (Yoshinkai style) branch of the SeiShinKan Dojo (SSK), located at Rochester Hills, Michigan.
The Aikido branch at SSK is a satellite division of the Chudokan Aikido Federation, headquartered in Windsor, Canada and is also registered with the International Yoshinkan Aikido Federation (IYAF), the Yoshinkan world headquarters, located in Japan.

These pages give descriptions of Aikido, Yoshinkai, Seishinkan Dojo, its Aikido program and instructors, images, etc. Enjoy your visit and be sure to sign our Guestbook with your comments.

Aikido at the Seishinkan

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[Aikido] [Yoshinkai] [O-Sensei] [Shioda Gozo Sensei]
[SeiShinKan Dojo] [ Chudokan] [ IYAF]

The Spirit of Karate-Do is lost without Courtesy -- Gichin Funakoshi

SSK Goshin Jutsu Technique

Goshin Jutsu is a no-nonsense self-defense art that employs techniques from several martial arts (including aikido).

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This page was developed by TCA Venkatesan.
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