It looks like fun, it is fun, but it always remains Scouting. Remember, if it isn't fun, it isn't Scouting. But, if it isn't educational, it isn't Scouting either. It needs to lead the boys to one or more of Scouting's Aims (participation in citizenship, growth in moral strength and character, development in physical, mental, and emotional fitness). It may be fun, but if it lacks prupose, it is not Scouting.
That last quote is something to keep in mind at all times. If you are a Scoutmaster or a Senior Patrol Leader, your goal is to help the Scouts in your troop to better themselves while having fun. This page focuses on both.
Are you looking for some descriptions of Arizona's trails? Do you want information about some different JLT programs? Would you like to learn more about Scouting? You have come to the right place!
*NEW* Hike the Grand Canyon *NEW*
There is now information about the Grand Canyon trails in the outdoor section. Look in the Arizona hikes section once there. I am also collecting information on some of the other trail groups in Arizona, so keep checking back! |
JLT is a very important part of the scouting program. Offered in the Grand Canyon Council are training programs like Silver Axe (JLTC)and JLOW. Get information on where and when these programs are held, plus information on how to sign up. |
Attention Junior Leaders!
The Scout Center is an excellent resource for all Junior Leaders. This section will has pointers for Senior Patrol Leaders on how to control the troop, how to communicate with adults, and some good program ideas. |
Also, please don't forget to send us your comments or questions on this site after you are done browsing.
*Disclaimer*This is not an official page for the Grand Canyon Council. BSA or the Grand Canyon Council are not responsible for any of the content found in Yosemite/2340 unless otherwise noted.
Main Page | Scouting in Arizona | JLT | Campfires | Links | Comments The Scout Center | The Outdoors