Emergency Preparedness CenterThis An Emergency & Survival Preparedness Center site owned by Jill & Monty.

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Become a part of the Emergency And Survival Preparedness Web Ring, ITS FREE! IT'S EASY. First all you have to do is submit your URL for admission in the ring. Follow steps 1, 2, and 3 below. It is a great way to promote your web site with other sites that feel the same way about our future as you do.

With Preparation and Education cope with unexpected situations from the wrath of Mother Nature, Y2K, or a Terrorist Attack. Each member of this Emergency & Survival Webring MUST help people through Education and or Preparation to survive in any disaster such as black outs, power failures, drought, earthquake, tornados, hurricanes, floods, volcanos, terrorist activities, political anarchy, or even the day of Y2K that will come and go.

Commercial sites that offer food, tools, supplies, books, training, and the likes are welcome here, as long as the products deal with some goal of preparedness and survival.

Step one: Go to the FORM below and provide your site information to apply to be a

Step Two: You will receive an automatic e-mail confirming your application. Save this
e-mail as you will need it later. Included in this e-mail will be an html
fragment to be included on your title page. You may customize your banner
to fit within the design elements of your page. The location of your
Emergency And Survival Preparedness Web Ring banner is very
important. The intention is to make it very easy for people to find it should
they wish to continue on the ring. Putting the banner on the main page is
preferable, but there are other options as long as its location is extremely

Step Three: You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your site has been included in
the ring.

Submit site to A Emergency and Survival Preparedness Center
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


 List of sites

 Edit Your Site Info Here
If you are already a part of the Emergency And Survival Preparedness Web Ring and need to edit your site information, you may do so here. Enter your site ID and password.

Can't remember your Site ID? take a look at the index of sites for the ring to find yours (the site ID will be the number listed next to your site).

Forgot your password?
Webring will E-Mail it to you.

Just a reminder.
The Constitution of the United States
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, The right of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.

The ringmaster of this webring is not responsible for the content of member sites. However, all members have agreed to
adhere to content guidelines. If you feel that a site you encounter while viewing this ring violates those guidelines, send your
complaint (being sure to include the site's URL or the webring Site ID) to: Ringmaster

Any other complaints about a site should be directed to the owner of the site, or to the owner's ISP

Your Ringmasters are Jill & Monty

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