khV :V :by nameby nameBUILDd kHA./AA k^xmWV :V :V : W./lpp_namemm4 R S vatools.msg.ko_KR { 01 N U en_US VA Tools HTML Help Engine Messages--Korean [ *coreq *prereq % /usr/lib/nls/msg/ko_KR 32 /usr/lpp/SAVESPACE 32 /usr/lib/objrepos 8 INSTWORK 10 8 % % % IY14252 40 Maintenance Level for VisualAge Tools % ] } k\A./usrAA k{A./usr/lppAA kA./usr/lpp/vatools.msg.ko_KR/ kUxmV V :V :V : V ./usr/lpp/vatools.msg.ko_KR/ 3054 0 68 1322 0 29 200 0 973619113 1703 244 664 9 productid` vatools.msg.ko_KR 5765-E2600 269 600 68 973619112 1703 244 664 37` Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5765E2600 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 2000. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 245 976 200 973887205 1703 0 664 37` /usr/lib/nls/msg/ko_KR/ owner = bin group = bin mode = 444 type = FILE class = apply,inventory, size = 13344 checksum = "62540 14 " 68 1166 600 973887205 1703 0 664 32` /usr/lib/nls/msg/ko_KR 32 /usr/lpp/SAVESPACE 32 /usr/lib/objrepos 8 36 1322 976 973887205 1703 0 664 30` ./usr/lib/nls/msg/ko_KR/ 1603 3054 1166 973887205 1703 0 664 35` fix: name = IY14252 abstract = Maintenance Level for VisualAge Tools type = f filesets = "\n\ vatools.loc.EN_US.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.loc.JA_JP.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.loc.Ja_JP.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.loc.ZH_CN.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.loc.ja_JP.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.loc.zh_CN.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.lpex.editor:\n\\n\ vatools.msg.EN_US.lpex.editor:\n\\n\ vatools.msg.JA_JP.lpex.editor:\n\\n\ vatools.msg.Ja_JP.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.msg.Ja_JP.perf:\n\\n\\n\ vatools.msg.ZH_CN.lpex.editor:\n\\n\\n\ vatools.msg.en_US.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.msg.en_US.perf:\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\ vatools.msg.ja_JP.lpex.editor:\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\ vatools.msg.zh_CN.lpex.editor:\n\ vatools.msg.zh_CN.perf:\n\\n\\n\ vatools.perf.aix41.lib:\n\ vatools.perf.aix43.lib:\n\ vatools.perf.analyzer:\n\\n\ " symptom = "" 270 0 1322 0 0 0 0 0 ` 6 68 200 600 976 1166 1322 k̼o@$ 4V :J9h>:  4./usr/lib/nls/msg/ko_KR/$$ISO8859-1$9 ZHw(C;-!iF 5 2 !; ] -v-&2=I  \LK ^l |    ! "\#h $^  Z gTT+  a! ! " <#,$-!$Z<$|1$L$*%83%c*% %+%%+&&&B=&i&&&&& '!'6"'Q#'f$#'}%'&%'''(3'):((*,(c+(,*(-.(.K)/P)O0>)1A)2:*!3<*\4.*5*6*7/+84+29++g:-+;4+<4+=:,+>9,f?O,@;,A7-,BA-dC/-D5-E@. F<.MG2.H5.IW.J3/KKR/L8/M?0 N40KOA0Pm0Q 10R%1QS%1wTP1Ue1VU2TW_2X[3 YW3fZa3û PDF %1() ϴ. ġ Ž: %2 ׸ ϴ.CGI 丮 webx.cfg Ϸκ ϴ. CGI û ޼ҵ尡 ʾҽϴ.CGI ͺ̽ ϴ. Ž ü δ %1Դϴ.CGI Ǵ ͺ̽ ̸ Ǻ ϴ.CGI û ߽ϴ.CGI ν ϴ û ߽ϴ. û :
%1 ǰ %1() ýۿ ϴ. û û ͺ̽ CGI ϴ. ֽϴ. ֽϴ. Ͽ μ ڰ ֽϴ.û ͺ̽ ϴ. Ʈ %1() ͺ̽ ϴ. ý ǰ %1 丮 Ȯ ϴ.丮 丮 ǰ 򸻿 Ʈ %1() ߽ϴ. Ʈ ZIP ϴ. α׷Ʈ C++ ҽ C++ Ӹ C ҽ C Ӹ ġ ͺ̽ %1 ȭ Ʈ ߽ϴ.Work with a Sample Project

If you want to work with this sample project, you first need to copy the sample files to a directory you have write access to. Create a directory with write access, then copy the contents of the following directories to that directory and corresponding subdirectories:


You can then load the sample project by doing the following:

  1. Start the VisualAge C++ IDE
  2. Open the %3 project configuration file, which is located in first directory you copied to above.
ϴ Ʈ %1 ùٸ ʾ %2() ȭ ϴ.Ž vahcfg install [Ű] ǰ ġմϴ. Ʒ ɼ ù ° ڸ Ͽ մϴ. Ű: /wdir writeable-directory(ʼ) zip ( /rdir ִ zip ) ϰ ý մϴ. /nls б 丮 丮 մϴ. /lang LANG մϴ(/nls ). /rdir readable-directory ° zip 丮(Ǵ /nls 丮) Դϴ. /prod ShortName ⺻ ü ܾ ̸. νϽ մϴ. /sprefix 4LPX Ʈ ̸ ξ ü ξԴϴ. ġ ʼԴϴ. /quiet ޽(ġ ũƮ ) ǥ ʽϴ. /multiple ° νϽ ġԴϴ(AIX ). vahcfg regen Ű ǰ մϴ. ǰ Ǵ б 丮 ؾ մϴ. /nonls ̿ ɼ ù ڷ ֽϴ. ʼ Ű: /wdir Ǵ /prod: /wdir writeable-directory zip ( /rdir ִ zip ) ϰ ý մϴ. ǰ 򸻿 丮 մϴ. /prod product ýۿ νϴ ǰ ̸Դϴ. ܾ ĺԴϴ. ɼ Ű /rdir readable-directory ° zip 丮(Ǵ /nls 丮) Դϴ. б 丮 ׸ Ϸ " /rdir none " Ͻʽÿ. /quiet ޽(ġ ũƮ ) ǥ ʽϴ. /nls б 丮 丮 մϴ. /lang LANG մϴ(/nls ). /nonls NLS 丮 ƴ 丮 մϴ. ġ /nls Ϸ մϴ. vahcfg remove /prod name [/quiet] [/delindex] ǰ ý ׸ մϴ. /prod name ýۿ νϴ ǰ ̸Դϴ. ܾ ĺԴϴ. /delindex 丮 Ʈ ȭ 丮 մϴ. ߿ 丮 缳ġϷ ʽÿ. AIX õ˴ϴ. /quiet ޽(ġ ũƮ ) ǥ ʽϴ. vahcfg addprod /prod product ý Ͽ ǰ ׸ ۼմϴ. AIX մϴ. /prod product ýۿ ν ǰ ̸Դϴ. ܾ. Addprod NLS ȯ ϹǷ Ǵ б θ ʿ䰡 ϴ. θ õ˴ϴ. vahcfg addlang /prod product /lang language /wdir dir1 [/rdir dir2] ý Ͽ ׸ ۼմϴ. AIX մϴ. /prod product addprod ߰ ǰԴϴ. /lang language ġ (: en_US) /wdir writeable-directory ýۿ ش ǰ 򸻿 ϴ 丮Դϴ. zip ϵ ֽϴ. /rdir readable-directory ýۿ ش 򸻿 ϱ zip Ž 丮 Դϴ. б 丮 zip 丮 ִ մϴ. vahcfg addcomp /prod PRD /lang LNG /comp CMP [/rdir readonlypath] ǰ Ʈ ߰մϴ. AIX մϴ. vahcfg б ο ã, Ʈ ʼ ϴ Ȯϰ, ׷ ϰ ϸ óմϴ. /prod product addprod ߰ ǰԴϴ. /lang language Ʈ Դϴ. addlang ̹ ߰߾ մϴ. /rdir readable-directory Ʈ zip Ͽ Ž 丮.  б θ մϴ. vahcfg list [options] ǰ, , Ʈ Ǵ տ ý ׸ մϴ. /prod product ýۿ νϴ ǰ ̸. ܾ ĺԴϴ. /lang language ýۿ νϴ . 丮 شմϴ. /comp component ýۿ νϴ Ʈ ̸. ܾ ĺԴϴ. /prod, /lang /comp ϰų ̷ ֽϴ. ɼ ɼ (, ǰ, Ʈ Ǵ ) ˴ϴ. ǰ Ǵ  Ϸ /lang NONE Ǵ /comp NONE Ͻʽÿ. vahcfg hash [/prod] name ̸ ý ؽ ϰ μմϴ. ǰ Ʈ ̸ ̿ ؽ Ȯϱ մϴ. vahcfg renindex oldname newname path ̸ ̸ ο ̸ ٲߴϴ. PATH 丮 Ͽ OLDNAME ˻ NEWNAME մϴ. ο ̸ ο ̸ ϵ ̸ ٲߴϴ. vahcfg addsamp /r Sample-directory ǰ 丮 Sample-directory մϴ. vahcfg ɿ ֽϴ. vahcfg - IBM ýۿ ǰ Ǵ Ʈ Ư ɿ λ vahcfg help command-name ԷϽʽÿ. ϴ : install - ǰ ߰ϰų regen - ǰ remove - ǰ list - ǰ Ǵ ǰ hash - ڿ ؽ renindex - Ž ̸ ٲٱ help - ɿ vahcfg - IBM ýۿ ǰ Ǵ Ʈ ɼ %1 ʼ Ű ã ϴ. 丮 ϴ.  丮 ۼ ϴ. ξ Ȯ 4ڿ մϴ. ǰ %1() NLS ʽϴ. /lang ʽÿ. ϵ û ׸ %1() ϴ. %1 ̸ ٲ ȭ ã ϴ. %1 (%2) ÷ Ʈ ã ϴ. %1 丮 %1() %1 ũ 丮 %1() Ʈ %1 ׸ Ʈ %2 %1() ȿ ξ %3() ϴ. %1() ȿ ʽϴ. %1() %2 %1
±װ %1() б %1() Ʈ %1() %1() %1() ۼϰų ̵ Ž %1() - Ž %1() 8ڰ ƴ %1 ׸ ͺ̽ 带 ÷Ϸ ߽ϴ! ִ ǰ̹Ƿ vahelp.cfg ŵǾϴ. Ͽ ǰ %1() ŵǾϴ. Ͽ ǰ ǰ Ǵ Ʈ ̸ ʾ ǰ Ǵ Ʈ ̸ ؽ %1Դϴ. ǰ ʾҽϴ. /name Ͽ ǰ Ͻʽÿ. Ʈ 丮 ã ϴ. vahelp.cfg ְų ã ϴ. vahelp.cfg ǰ ׸ ϴ. ϴ. vahelp.cfg ǰ ׸ ̹ ֽϴ. ġ ϴ. vahelp.cfg ǰ %1 ׸ %2() ̹ ֽϴ.ǰ %1 %2 Ʈ ׸ %3() ̹ ֽϴ. ġ ȿ ϴ. %1 Ϸ %1 ġ Ϸ  ü %1() ǰ %1 ýۿ ǰ ׸ ߽߰ϴ. ǰ %1 ׸ %2() ߽߰ϴ. ǰ %1 ׸ %2() ߽ϴ. %1 ׸ %2 Ʈ %3() ߽߰ϴ. %1 ׸ %2 Ʈ %3() ߽ϴ. ýۿ ǰ %1() ν մϴ. ǰ %1() ߰ ߽ϴ. 丮 Ʈ %1() ų control/nav.htm ã ϴ. ù ° Ʈ %1 control/helpcfg.htm ϴ. Ʈ %1 helpcfg.htm Ͽ ʼ ϴ. Ʈ %1 Ǵ Ž ó ߻߽ϴ. %2, ǰ %3 Ʈ %1() ϴ. Ʈ %1() ϴ ߿ ߻߽ϴ. %1() Ʈ %2 Ǿ ־ ϴ. ǰ %1() %2 Ǿ ־ ϴ. Ʈ %1 Ͽ ȿ ׸ ϴ. ±װ ʹ ϴ. %1() մϴ. vahelp.cfg() ׼ϴ ߿ α׷ ߻߽ϴ (AIX /etc/vahelp.cfg). ǰ %1 丮 %2() ŵǾϴ. vahcfg remsamp /p product ǰ 丮 ׸ մϴ. The samples directory entry was removed for product %1. The samples directory entry for product %1 could not be found. Warning: could not access the samples directory %1. The specified command is not supported on this operating system. Insufficient disk space or unwritable directory while trying to write: %1. Free some space and try again. Backing out creation of file %1 Backing out registration of index %1 Backing out creation of directory %1 An invalid product name "%1" was specified. Product names must be alphanumeric. An invalid component name "%1" was specified for zip file %2. Component names must be alphanumeric. An invalid component name "%1" was specified. Component names must be alphanumeric. Index names must not exceed 8 characters, and must be alphanumeric. Index name %1 is ignored. The index prefix must be exactly 4 alphanumeric characters. Index prefix %1 is not valid. A navigation file recursively imbeds itself in component %1. The component is ignored. You cannot use a component with the same name as the product. The product %1 was not registered. k#or product %1 could not be found. Warning: could not access the samples directory %1. The specified command is not supported on this operating system. Insufficient disk space or unwritable directory while trying to write: %1. Free some space and try again. Backing out creation of