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If you want to work with this sample project, you first need to copy the sample files to a directory you have write access to. Create a directory with write access, then copy the contents of the following directories to that directory and corresponding subdirectories:


You can then load the sample project by doing the following:

  1. Start the VisualAge C++ IDE
  2. Open the %3 project configuration file, which is located in first directory you copied to above.
LkPB %2 ɡF]ɮץDDҰѷӪ %1 زɩҥΪ榡CjMG vahcfg install [Ѽ] 1 k"& nؿC䤣ؿŪؿ%1 󥼵nO󦹲~C䤣즹 ZIP ɦmC{MװtmC++ lC++ DC lC Dii}ӿҦbmH{ƮwwΨӦPB %1 ɪ زɮWork with a Sample Project

If you want to work with this sample project, you first n