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Usage: %s [-D] [-T Term] [--] [-] [File] ... pic: 1003-351 There are more than 20 nested {...}. pic: 1003-352 Delimiters must be printable ASCII characters pic: 1003-353 Invalid character in input pic: 1003-354 A call to mbtowc() has failed unexpectedly pic: 1003-355 Attempt to unput an invalid character tbl: 1003-001 The %s parameter to the -T flag is not valid. Use -TX. tbl: 1003-002 %1$s: line %2$d: The data on line %3$d of table is ignored. tbl: 1003-003 Warning: Cannot span columns of type A. The value is changed to type L. tbl: 1003-004 Warning: Cannot span colunms of type N. The value is changed to type C. tbl: 1003-005 Cannot find or open file. tbl: 1003-006 There is not enough memory available now. tbl: 1003-007 End of file was reached when reading the table specification. tbl: 1003-008 The second width specification is ignored. tbl: 1003-009 The specified option for describing a table is not valid. tbl: 1003-010 A global option is not spelled correctly. tbl: 1003-011 There is a missing \fR. tbl: 1003-012 Specify no more than 250*512 characters in the table. tbl: 1003-013 Too many columns for registers. tbl: 1003-014 Too many text block diversions. tbl: 1003-015 Vertical spanning must not be used in the first row. tbl: 1003-016 There is no data in the table. tbl: 1003-017 There are no real lines in the table. tbl: %1$s: line %2$d: %3$stbl: 1003-019 The table specification character is not correct. tbl: 1003-020 Specify a column width no more than 10 characters. tbl: 1003-021 Specify delimiter characters. tbl: 1003-022 A period must be the last character on the format line. tbl: 1003-023 The first column cannot be of type S. tbl: 1003-024 Vertical spanning must not be used in the first row. tbl: 1003-025 There is not enough memory available now. tbl: 1003-026 There is not enough memory available now. tbl: 1003-027 There is no specification tbl: 1003-028 The point size is too large. tbl: 1003-029 The point size is unreasonable. tbl: The table program quits. tbl: 1003-031 The format specification line must not be longer than 200 charactes. tbl: 1003-032 There are too many columns in table. tbl: 1003-033 The format specification cannot have more than 44 lines. tbl: 1003-034 There are too much backup. tbl: 1003-035 Cannot widen the table in the .T& command. tbl: 1003-036 Did not expect the end of file. Usage: %s [-TX] [--] [File] ... [-] tbl: 1003-037 The vertical spacing value is too large. tbl: 1003-038 Unable to obtain multibyte character length. tbl: 1003-039 Multibyte characters illegal in global commands. tbl: 1003-040 Multibyte characters illegal in column specifiers. tbl: 1003-041 Unable to convert wide character to multibyte form. tbl: 1003-042 Multibyte character illegal in repeat sequence. tbl: 1003-043 Table at line %d file %s is too wide - \n(TW units neqn: 1003-201 The delimiters at %.20s are not correct or cannot be printed. neqn: 1003-202 The include function is not implemented. neqn: 1003-203 Did not expect the end of input at %.20s. neqn: 1003-204 The definition at %.20s does not have an ending delimeter. Usage: %s [-d Delimeter1Delimeter2] [-p Number] [-s Number] [-f Number] [File ...] neqn: 1003-205 Cannot find or open file %s. neqn: 1003-206 The changed token %.25s cannot be longer than 400 characters. neqn: fatal error: neqn: fatal error: neqn: 1003-209 The type %d is not correct. neqn: 1003-210 The %.20s input line is longer than 1200 characters. neqn: 1003-211 Specify a quote in %.20s neqn: 1003-212 There are no eqn strings left (%d). neqn: 1003-213 There is not enough memory available now. neqn: 1003-214 There is not enough memory available for this string %s now. neqn: 1003-215 There is a pushback overflow. neqn: 1003-216 The quoted string %.20s cannot be longer than 400 characters. neqn: 1003-217 The program is stopped because of an neqn error. neqn: 1003-218 The syntax is not valid. neqn: 1003-219 The token %.20s is too long. neqn: 1003-220 file %1$s, between lines %2$d and %3$d neqn: 1003-221 Delimiters must be printable ASCII characters. neqn: 1003-222 Pushed bad input source type (type = %d) neqn: 1003-223 popsrc() called too many times neqn: 1003-224 Popped bad input source type (type = %d) neqn: 1003-225 Attempt to unput an invalid character. neqn: 1003-226 Invalid character in the input. neqn: 1003-227 wctomb() got an invalid pointer address. neqn: 1003-228 Invalid character used as a quote mark. Use only ASCII characters. neqn: 1003-229 ILS escape sequences must be composed of hexadecimal digits only. The sequence %1$s is invalid. neqn: 1003-230 Macro names must be specified in ASCII. eqn: The context is near line %1$d, file %2$seqn: 1003-103 The delimiters are not correct or cannot be printed. eqn: 1003-104 Did not expect the end of input at %.20seqn: 1003-105 The definition at %.20s does not have an ending delimeter. Usage: %s [-d Delimeter1Delimeter2] [-p Number] [-s Number] [-f Number] [-T Destination] [Files] eqn: 1003-106 A macro has been used in a way that is not valid. eqn: 1003-107 The parameters are too deep. eqn: 1003-108 Cannot find or open file %s. eqn: 1003-109 The changed token %.25s cannot be longer than 400 characters. eqn: delimiters: lefteq=%1$c, righteq=%2$c, noeqn is %3$d. eqn: 1003-111 The define must have a left parenthesis. eqn: 1003-112 Have reached end of file in getarg(). eqn: 1003-113 Warning: multi-line %1$c...%2$c, lines %3$d-%4$d, file %5$s eqn: 1003-114 Warning: unquoted troff command \%1$c, line %2$d, file %3$s eqn: 1003-115 Cannot have no more than 10 fonts. eqn: 1003-116 The type %d is not correct. eqn: gsize is %1$d, deltaps is %2$d, ftstack[0].name is %3$s. eqn: 1003-118 The global point size %s is not valid, the value is ignored. eqn: 1003-119 The point size %s is not valid, the value is ignored. eqn: 1003-120 The %.20s input line is longer than 3600 characters. eqn: 1003-121 The inputs are nested too deep. eqn: 1003-122 Specify a quote in %.20s. eqn: 1003-123 There are no eqn strings left (%d). eqn: 1003-124 There is not enough memory available now. eqn: 1003-125 There is not enough memory available for the string %s now. eqn: 1003-126 There is a pushback overflow. eqn: 1003-127 Pushed a bad type %d. eqn: 1003-128 The quoted string %.20s cannot be longer than 400 characters. eqn: 1003-129 The program is stopped because of an eqn error. eqn: 1003-130 The syntax is not valid. eqn: 1003-131 The token %.20s is too long. eqn: 1003-132 Too many inputs popped eqn: typesetter is %1$s, res is %2$d, minsize is %3$d, ttype is %4$d. eqn: 1003-134 Did not expect the end of input inside equation. eqn: 1003-135 Invalid character in input (hexadecimal value %02X). eqn: 1003-136 Unexpected multibyte character found. eqn: 1003-137 Conversion to wide character failed for %.20s eqn: 1003-138 Insufficient memory to allocate buffer of size %d eqn: 1003-139 Illegal use of non-ASCII character in input. eqn: 1003-140 Macro names must be specified in ASCII. eqn: 1003-141 A call to mblen failed. eqn: 1003-142 Function unput was called with invalid character. grap: The context is near line %1$d, file %2$s grap: 1003-403 The input value to %s is either a negative or zero value. grap: 1003-404 The %s has resulted in an overflow condition. grap: 1003-405 The %s must be specify as either a define or as a name. grap: 1003-406 The %s is used as a variable and a define. 1003-407 %1$s: Cannot find or open %2$s grap: 1003-409 A macro has been used in a way that is not valid. grap: 1003-410 The parameters are too deep. grap: 1003-411 Cannot increase the size of %1$s to %2$d. grap: 1003-412 Cannot have log of x coord %1$g,%2$g grap: 1003-413 Cannot have log of y coord %1$g,%2$g grap: 1003-414 Cannot find or open file %s. grap: 1003-415 Cannot take log of tick value %g grap: 1003-416 Cannot take log of x coord %g grap: 1003-417 Cannot take log of y coord %g definitiongrap: 1003-419 The define must have a left parenthesis. grap: 1003-420 Cannot divide by 0. else partgrap: 1003-422 There is an end of file in %1$s %2$c %3$.20s... %4$c. grap: 1003-423 Have reached end of file in getarg(). grap: 1003-424 The end of file has been reached within .G1/.G2 constructs. grap: 1003-425 There is a floating point exception. grap: 1003-426 Cannot nest for-loops more than 10 levels deep. grap: 1003-427 An internal error has occurred during for-loop processing. grap: 1003-428 Cannot find or open %s grap: 1003-429 Cannot find or open %s grap: 1003-430 The graph name %s must be capitalized. grap: 1003-431 The inputs are nested too deep. loop bodygrap: 1003-433 There is a newline in the string. grap: 1003-434 Specify a name on the graph statement. grap: 1003-435 There is not enough memory available now. grap: 1003-436 There is not enough memory available now. grap: 1003-437 There is not enough memory available for the %s string. grap: 1003-438 There is a pushback overflow. grap: 1003-439 Pushed a bad type %d. grap: 1003-440 The string must be no longer than 1500 characters. grap: 1003-441 The syntax is not valid. then partgrap: 1003-443 There are too many inputs popped. grap: 1003-444 There cannot be more than 200 numbers. grap: 1003-445 There cannot be more than %d ticks. grap: 1003-446 Did not expect end of file in the do_thru. Usage: %s [-l] [-T Typesetter] [--] [-] [File] ... grap: 1003-447 The function mblen failed unexpectedly. grap: 1003-448 Invalid multibyte character (first byte is %02X) grap: 1003-449 The function wctomb failed unexpectdly trying to convert %1$Cgrap: 1003-450 The function wctomb was called with an invalid address grap: 1003-451 The function unput was called with an invalid character $kyooaph statement. grap: 1003-435 There is not enough memory available now. grap: 1003-436 There is not enough memory available now. grap: 1003-437 There is not enough memory available for the %s string. grap: 1003-438 There is a pushback overflow. grap: 1003-439 Pushed a bad type %d. grap: 1003-440 The string must be no longer than 1500 characters. grap: 1003-441 The syntax is not valid. then partgrap: 1003-443 There are too many inputs popped. grap: 1003-444 There cannot be more than 200 numbers. grap: 1003-445 There cannot be more than %d ticks. grap: 1003-446 Did not expect end of file in the do_thru. Usage: %s [-l] [-T Typesetter] [--] [-] [File] ... grap: 1003-447 The function mblen failed unexpectedly. grap: 1003-448 Invalid multibyte character (first byte is %02X) grap: 1003-449 The function wctomb failed unexpectdly