Solaris 2.5/2.5.1 x86 Driver Update 11 (DU11) Overview & Instructions The Solaris x86 Driver Update is the mechanism by which new device drivers and video support are distributed to our customers. Driver Update releases are placed at: Public WWW: Public FTP: Sun-internal FTP: ftp://newstop.ebay/sun/Solaris/x86drivers/ All the drivers on this Driver Update have been fully tested by SunSoft. For complete Driver Update installation instructions and documentation on all previously-released drivers, see the Driver Update Guide. NOTE: You must read the Device Reference Page for each device you intend to use in your Solaris system. You must examine: 1) the x86 Device Configuration Guide originally included with your Solaris software, 2) the full x86 Driver Update Guide, and 3) the supplemental Device Reference Pages included here. There are no Device Reference Pages for drivers without special configuration instructions. Driver Update files are compressed whenever possible, to save you download time. Files with a .zip suffix are in standard PKZIP form, files with a .Z suffix are in standard UNIX compress(1) form, and the .bin suffix indicates a file which could not be compressed. Any particular file may appear in more than one compressed form. You need only one form of each file in the release. For instance, you could see these files: bt1.Z bt2.Z bt3.bin You should retrieve *either* the .Z *or* the .zip *or* the .bin for each file; resulting in only 3 images (bt1, bt2, bt3). The standard Solaris distribution includes an "uncompress" utility, while unzip and uncompress utilities for DOS, Windows, and UNIX are available from a variety of sources. The uncompressed images should then be copied to diskettes, if you need to install Solaris using the Driver Update, or can be used directly if installing the Driver Update on a running Solaris system. To create diskettes, use the dd command supplied with Solaris, or the DOS version (DD.EXE) which you can find at or on Compuserve in the SUNSOFT forum Solaris x86 library. ================================================================================ NEW OR UPDATED DRIVERS IN DU11 ------------------------------ SCSI HBA Drivers cpqncr Fixed bugs and added support for the Compaq Dual Channel Wide Ultra SCSI3 Controller SCSI Tape Driver st.conf Uncommented all previously unsupported entries so you can use older tape drives without having to modify st.conf; added help text that explains how to submit new entries and where to find documentation about creating entries; consequently added support for these tape drives: Archive Python 28388, Conner CTD 8004H, Compaq DLT models 4000 and 7000, Sony SDT 7000 and SDT 9000, Wangtek 51000 and 52000, Tecmar TS-420, all shipping models of Sun DLT drives, Quantum DLT 4000 and 7000, Hewlett-Packard SureStore T4 and 1557A DDS3 autoloader (requires third-party control software), WangDAT models 3400DX and 3800, Exabyte 8900 Mammoth and 8705 Eliant, Tandberg TDC 4120 Ethernet Network Drivers cnft Fixed bugs dnet Fixed bugs (in the media detection code) and added support for both Digital NIC 21142/21143 chips and media for T4 tape drives elx Added support for the embedded 3Com card in a Dell OptiPlex GXa 6266MT iprb Fixed a bug and added support for additional revisions of the 82557 chip FDDI Network Driver sxp Fixed bugs Token Ring Network Driver mpre New driver to support the Madge PCI Presto card; the mtok driver continues to support all previous Madge cards Serial Ports Driver asy Fixed bugs and added support for several newer serial chips, including the Exar 16c650 and Texas Instruments 16c750; support also added for fast 460K-baud generators For a complete list of device drivers supported in this release, see Table 1-2 in Chapter 1, "Solaris 2.5/2.5.1 x86 Driver Update 11 Guide." ================================================================================ NEW VIDEO SUPPORT IN DU11 ------------------------- Resolution and Color Depth (A=800x600; B=1024x768; C=1152x900; D=1280x1024; E=1600x1200) A B C D E Vendor/Model Bus Chipset (Note 1) 8 24 8 24 8 24 8 24 8 24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATI All-in-Wonder PCI ATI 3D RAGE II+ X X X X X X X X X ATI XPERT@Work PCI/ ATI 3D RAGE PRO X X X X X X X X X AGP ATI XPERT@Play PCI/ ATI 3D RAGE PRO X X X X X X X X X AGP ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV PCI ATI 3D RAGE II+ X X X X X X X X X ATI 3D RAGE II+ -- ATI 3D RAGE II+ X X X X X X X X X ATI 3D RAGE PRO -- ATI 3D RAGE PRO X X X X X X X X X Cirrus Logic GD5480 -- Cirrus Logic GD5480 X X X X X X X X X Diamond Stealth 3D PCI S3 ViRGE/DX (86C375) X X X X X X 2000/Pro Matrox Millennium 220 PCI MGA2064W-R3 X X X X X X X X X X Matrox Millennium II PCI/ MGA2164W X X X X X X X X X X AGP Matrox Mystique 220 PCI MGA1064SG(-G or -H) X X X X X X X X X S3 ViRGE/DX -- S3 ViRGE/DX (86C375) X X X X X X S3 ViRGE/GX -- S3 ViRGE/GX (86C385) X X X X X X X STB Nitro 3D PCI S3 ViRGE/GX (86C385) X X X X X X STB Nitro 64 Video PCI Cirrus Logic GD5446 X X X X X STB Powergraph 64 3D PCI S3 ViRGE (86C325) X X X X X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Note 1) The information in the chipset column does not guarantee that video boards made by another manufacturer using the same chipset will work. Only the specific models listed by Vendor, Model, Bus, and Chipset have been tested. "--" in the bus column indicates a video controller model that is used on video display adapters and motherboards. For a complete list of video display adapters supported in this release, see Table 2-1 in Chapter 2, "Solaris 2.5/2.5.1 x86 Video Driver Update 11 Guide." Support for higher monitor refresh rates (up to 115 KHz horizontal refresh and 120Hz vertical refresh) has been added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a complete list of video display adapters supported in this release, see Table 2-1 in Chapter 2, "Solaris 2.5/2.5.1 x86 Video Driver Update 11 Guide." ================================================================================ DOWNLOADING FILES FROM THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To obtain files from the Access1 Web Page: 1) Open URL click on "Solaris Driver Update 11." You will be presented with a list of all diskette images and documents available to download. 2) Download the desired files by selecting the filename and then specifying a local filename when prompted. An alternative WWW site for Driver Update 11 is SunSITE USA, at ***NETSCAPE USERS, PLEASE NOTE: *** There is a problem when downloading compressed diskette images using Netscape running in the Solaris Operating Environment. Netscape recognizes that the file is compressed and suggests a filename to save to disk without the ".Z" extension, but then does not invoke uncompress when saving the file. If you accept the default filename in the "Save File" dialog box, you will end up with a compressed file with a filename which does not have the ".Z" extension. You can verify that this situation has occurred by examining the file size. 3.5" diskettes should always be 1474560 bytes long; if they are shorter, the image may be compressed. *** If the file you have received is really compressed, simply rename the file to include a ".Z" extension. *** ================================================================================ DOWNLOADING FILES VIA ANONYMOUS FTP (from To obtain the files using ftp: 1) Use ftp to connect to 'ftp' 2) At the login prompt, use 'anonymous'. 3) For the password, use your complete email address. 4) At the ftp prompt, set file type to "binary" ftp> binary [RETURN] 5) cd /vendor/sun/solaris/x86/2.5.1/DU11 6) 'get' the desired files ftp> get [RETURN] 7) Quit the FTP session: ftp> quit [RETURN] Alternative anonymous ftp sites for DU11 are: SunSITE USA ( in the directory /pub/sun-info/solaris-x86/sunsoft-drivers/2.5.1/DU11 Sun's internal anonymous ftp server (newstop.ebay) in the directory /sun/Solaris/x86drivers/2.5.1/x86/DU11. ================================================================================ DOWNLOADING FILES FROM COMPUSERVE To obtain files from CompuServe, establish a CompuServe session and at the prompt type "go sunsoft". Proceed to the Solaris x86 Library ("lib 11"). You can then download the ZIP archives which contain the diskette image files you need. ================================================================================ CREATING DISKETTES FROM DOWNLOADED FILES Files with .zip or .Z extensions must first be uncompressed. Utilities to uncompress files of either type are widely available for UNIX, DOS, and Microsoft Windows systems (CompuServe, and the SimTel archives which are mirrored on the anonymous ftp sites and, are good sources for DOS and Windows utilities.) To uncompress a .Z file, type: uncompress To unzip a .zip file, follow the instructions appropriate for your unzip program. The uncompressed images must then be copied to diskettes with the dd command. (A DOS version of this command can be found in Insert the diskette. To use DOS: dd filename A: To use the Solaris operating environment: Determine whether you are using Volume Manager (vold) by typing: volcheck ls -l /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 If you see a message similar to this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 34 Jan 21 17:28 /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 -> /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unnamed_floppy type: dd if=filename of=/vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 bs=1440k eject floppy0 If you see this message: /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 not found type: dd if=filename of=/dev/rdiskette bs=1440k Finally, follow the instructions in the Driver Update Guide to install the update. ================================================================================ INSTALLING THE DRIVER UPDATE WITHOUT CREATING DISKETTES If you have downloaded the Driver Update files from the World-Wide Web or via anonymous FTP directly to a Solaris system, you can install the Driver Update without creating diskettes. Since the files are designed to be installed from diskette, you need to combine some of them before unpacking them. Currently, this applies to the Distribution and Video diskettes. (The Boot diskettes aren't needed when applying the Driver Update to a running Solaris system.) 1) Download the following files from the World-Wide Web or via anonymous FTP to the system on which you want to install the drivers: Drivers for devices such as SCSI host bus adapters, disk interface, network adapters, PC-Card devices, audio, SCSI tape devices, and serial ports: du11d1.bin and du11d2.bin and du11d3.bin or and and Video Drivers: du11vid1.bin and du11vid2.Z or and You can omit the video drivers or the non-video drivers files, but make sure you get the complete set of files for the type you choose. 2) cd to the directory containing the downloaded files. The directory must have space for the uncompressed files resulting from this procedure. 3) Uncompress the files using the correct program, either uncompress or unzip, for the type of files you've downloaded. For example: % unzip The files ending in .bin don't need to be uncompressed. Rename them to the same file name without .bin . For example: % mv du11d1.bin du11d1 3) Become root. 4) Type: # cat du11vid1 du11vid2 | cpio -ivcdm v du11image.Z nnnn blocks #cat du11d1 du11d2 du11d3 | cpio -ivcdm copyright ident cpioimage.Z installpatch backoutpatch nnnn blocks 5) In the Driver Update Guide, locate the procedure for installing a Driver Update from diskettes on an existing system. Continue with the step "Verify the extraced cpio image:".