Here's a different type of story, kiddies. Hope you enjoy it... I'm just sick of the same old type of shit floating around, about black men with huge cocks, slutty white bitches, and submissive, spineless little white pansies. Read on. Also, Jack Albert is a CHARACTER OF MINE, and his thoughts and actions are IN NO WAY ANY RESPONSIBILITY OF MINE. I am not racist. Jack's Wife. By The Lizard King. i. She said, no, she VOWED to be faithfull to me. And I, in return, vowed to never stray from her. I held up my end of the bargain, I worshiped her and tried in every way possible to appease her. She broke the deal, though. The contract was null and void. But perhaps I should tell you a bit about myself? My name is Jack Albert, and I've made a deal with the devil. No, he's not who you think he is. Lucifer is still one of God's angels, and he is not the embodiment of evil Christians make him out to be. In fact, he's a very nice guy. He pities me, and I pity him. We were both outcasts, in a way, and we share a bond. What was this deal? Years ago, just before I was going to graduate high-school, I was betrayed by who I thought was my best friend. A week before graduation, I was the epidomy of the happy- go-lucky gullible fat-boy. I was twenty pounds overweight, and when I thuoght that I had friends, I was utterly wrong. Who I thought was my best friend, Kevin, convinced me to go on a road- trip to Louisiana, and the bastard left me there. I was forced to walk home, and that was not a pleasant experience. Perhaps the reason I am so twisted is because of what transpired on that trip. I will not go into detail, but I will say that it was straining on my mind. Half-way through the trip, I met a talking wolf named Talon, who was the emmisarry of Lucifer. Talon guided me on my journey home, and told me what it was I had to do. I killed the bastard and two bitches who betrayed me. Well, Lucifer covered my ass after the incident, and I became Lucifer's honorary agent on earth. I was going to crusade for justice by day, and destroy evil by night. I joined the Police Force, and became a decorated officer. Shortly after that, I married my girlfriend, Jenee. Now, here's where it gets... messy. ii. I came home early, too early for my own good. I noticed the lowered MUSTANG GT in my driveway, and instantly my tempered suspicions were aroused. Creeping toward the car, I laid on my back and crawled underneath it. Sure enough, neon-lights under the body. If this wasn't a Hoopty, or a Pimp Mobile, I don't know what was. I skitted toward the house, my blood boiling. I swear, I hadn't been this mad since I'd been forced to walk from Louisiana to Georgia. My hand slipped to my hip, hoping to find a gun, but I'd left it in my car. Well, no sense going back, I thought grimmly, if I caught the fucker with my wife, I'd brain them both with the nightstick I was carrying. I slipped my key into the slot and unlocked the door silently. Moving as silently as a two-hundred pound man could, I made my way for the bedroom... I got as far as the kitchen. There he was, a huge black man, his pants and boxers down around his ankles, his huge hairy black ass thrusting back and forth, causing the bile to rise in my throat. He was taking her on the fucking kitchen COUNTER! NOT EvEN IN A BED! I could hear his animalistic grunting, and my wife, Jenee's cries rising higher and higher as she'd never done before. My face flushed bright red, and twisted in a grimmace of pure and unbridled rage. He thrust his cock (it was by no means as large as they make them out to be, as I saw, but it was still bigger than mine) in and out of her. Finally (or rather very shortly after I'd arrived) he climaxed and she sounded like she'd come too. That was when I cleared my throat. "Oh shit! Jack!" Jenee cried, trying desparately to cover her large, beautiful breasts. "How long've you been at it?" I asked, my voice sounded very calm, considering how I was just dying to kill the black son-of-a-bitch and the whore with him. "Ten minnutes? Twenty minnutes?" "Five, honky." The porch monkey said, grinning at me, one painfully fake gold tooth almost gliting in the kitchen's overhead light. He was a nigger in the truest sense of the word. I've met some very nice black people, very cultured, civilized, and polite. I've held the utmost respect for them... because they'd earned it. I'd not trusted them to begin with, but they proved me wrong. They'd earned their brownie points... this rat-bastard was loosing them at a steady rate. "Five, huh?" I asked, still keeping my voice deadly calm. "Jenee, why did you go for this piece of shit? I go for at LEAST twenty minnutes. His prick's that much bigger than mine?" Emotion finally seeped into my voice, and it was very much the sound of a man's voice when he's betrayed. "Please, Jack, it's not what it looks like." "NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!?!?" I roared. I hated when people used that excuse... it was too damned cliche. "WHAT EXACTLY THE FUCK IS IT, BITCH!?!" "Hey, don't talk to her like that, crackah." The black man butted in, and I lost it. I'd been holding the nightstick behind my back, and I suddenly swung my right arm (the one holding the stick) in a wide arc, and released the lead-filled weapon. My slow-motion sense allowed me to clearly see the shocked expression on the bastard's face, as well as my wife's. It struck him on the forehead, and, while it gave him quite the headache, did not knock him out. The forehead was, after all, the sturdiest part of the skull. The nigger swore loudly and pulled out a pistol, rather a hand-cannon, and opened fire, shooting in that ridiculous "Gangsta" style. You know, the one where they hold the gun tilted to the side? Let me tell you, it's not quite as effective. I side-stepped, moving behind the refridgerator. I could hear him groaning and Jenee screaming, but I kept my head. I was unarmed, and the piece-of-shit had a gun. Still, I refused to give up like so many other people did. They would both pay. I ripped the 'fridge's cord from the wall, and heaved, sliding the huge appliance over the tiled floor towards the two. I could hear his screams of anger, and the firing of a gun, and then stopped, and waited for him to make the next move. I ducked, keeping as low to the ground as I could. The man whirled from one side of the refridgerator, and I spun quickly and came around the other. I circled the refridgerator, and caught my victim by complete surprise. I sent my elbow flying into the back of his neck, and he went sprawling. His gun came away from his hand, too. He got up quick, and moved into the clasic boxer-stance. "C'mon, bitch." He challenged. "Let's see if you so tough wit'out yo' stick." He sent a hook my way that would have put out my lights, had I not moved. I sidestepped again, and caught his wrist in my left hand and applied a great deal of pressure on his elbow-joint with my right. He screamed as his right arm snapped easily, but managed to pull away. I let him. We both hopped back a step, and regarded each other. I don't know what I would've looked like, but he looked like shit. His forehead was begining to become puffy, and blood trickled from his nose. His right arm hung limply at his side, much the same way his flacid dick was hanging then. His pants were still off, but he'd shuffled out of them once the fighting began. I had to give him credit, I wouldn't have liked fighting naked. But then again, I wouldn't have liked to be him PERIOD once I finished with him. He came at me again, and I fell to the floor and sweep- kicked him, sending his legs out from under him. He hit the floor hard, but kept moving. He might be a tough advarsary. If he hit me, that might be all she wrote. Jenee, meanwhile, was in a state of shock. I couldn't hear her anymore, because she was frozen with fear. He drew a knife and slashed out at me, but I took it in the arm. Better the arm than his original target: my neck. I seized his knife-arm and wrestled it away from him, then embedded it deep into his leg, mid-theigh. He screamed, then tried to fall back, his hand clutching at the boot-knife. He tried to pull it out, but without success. I knew what had happened. It'd stuck itself deep into his femur-bone. While he was still screaming in pain, I darted forward and backhanded him, sending him sprawling backwards. He landed, and, for the first time, wasn't so quick to get up. I moved in a blurr, my speed enhanced not only by my hatred for him, but by my super-natural benefactor. I moved to him, raised my leg high, and laid it down very quickly on his groin. He shrieked in pain as I twisted my heavy combat boots on him, squashing his genitals. "JESUS FUCKIN' CHRIST!" He squeeled, his voice raising to a comical pitch. "Has no mercy for the damned, like you." I finished, then fell elbow-first on his neck, putting his lights out. I dragged him by his greasy black hair into the hall- way bathroom, then returned for the bitch. She was paralyzed with fear, but I knocked her out anyway. I was begining to hate people, women and black men in particular. iii. The basement of our house was seldom used, so I decided to put it to a good purpose. It had a large table which I used when Jenee was out of town as an altar to communicate with Lucifer. It was this altar I used to tie up the black man. I chained my slut of a wife to the wall. I was not completely un- gentlemanly, for I covered her naked body with her bath-robe. I went to the small ice-box I kept down there and pulled myself a cold beer. I drank it while I waited for the two to wake up. The black man came to first. "What's your name?" I asked him, my voice void of all traces of emotion. "Art." He said. "Artemis fo' long. Now whachoo want wit' me, man?" He could not controll his expressions as I could. I could clearly see panic and horror painted on his face like a bad Boxcar Willy painting. His eyes were wide with fear, and I noticed his big lips trembling. It would be hard to avoid making any racist slurrs, but I set about not to be too racist. "Well, Art, I saw the pool supplies in your car. You know we don't have a pool?" He nodded. I'd been suspicious since I noticed our phone bill had a collect call from RAWLIE'S POOL CLEANING SERVICE. That was why I was home early that day. "Not smart, calling collect and all. See where being sloppy gets you?" "Listen, man, you want sum crack? You want a bitch? Man, I kin hook you up! Anythin' you want, man." I only glared at him. I think he actually believed he could buy himself off with chemicals. He must've done it before. "To paraphrase: 'You would barter your life with chemicals?'" He only looked at me blankly. "Man, what th'hell you talkin' bout!?!" I smiled. "Artie, nothing you can say or do will get you off the hook... except maybe one thing. And that will only cut you a little slack with me." "What?!?" He was desparate. I could see the glimmer of hope in his eyes, and I instantly wanted to cut it out with a serrated Ginsu knife. "If I have to tell you, Art, it won't matter. You have to say it YOURSELF." "Man, COME ON!" He tried to shake his arms, but the chains were too tight. He tried again to bust his shackles, only resulting in a stream of cruel laughter from me. I went to my wife, who hung limp on the wall. I pulled a large, dull, rusty knife of about ten inches, and held it to her neck. "Shall I torture your lover while you watch?" I asked, a sliver of a demonic tone slipped into my voice. "Shit, bitch! You can do whatevah' th'fuck you want wit'dat hoe! Jus' let me go!" If I hadn't been enraged before, I sure as hell was now. I was standing over him in a glimmer of a second, his eyes hadn't even widened when I brought the knife across his naked, muscular chest. He shrieked, the dull, rusty knife tore through his skin easily, only because I'd brought it back so fast. I wasn't done, though. I seized a patch of his thick chest-hair and yanked it up high. He shrieked again, and I slashed the knife across it, only severing half the hairs. He screamed again. I took a second swing at it. The rest of the hairs came free, and he screamed again. I stepped back, listening to him howl in pain. "SONUVABITCH!" He wailed at me. "SONUVABITCH!!!" I laughed, and turned to Jenee, who'd been awoken by the cries of agony. "What are you DOING!?!?" She cried to me, but I smiled. "What I should have done a long time ago. How long have you been cheating on me?" "Never! This was my first time!" She pleaded. I instantly knew she was lying. "Yo! That bitch lyin' t'you, homes! My man Tyrome said she wuz th'best lay he'd had in long time. Said she'd said th'same thing 'bout him. Tyrome's the one who told me 'bout her. Do her an' let me go!" I wasn't, of course. I was going to milk the names of every bastard who'd touched her pussy, and I was going to do them before the sun came up the next morning. I turned back to her, demonic expressions dancing across my face. She gasped and shrieked. Good, I thought, this might be easy. "Tell me the others, and where to find them." I demanded, holding the rusty knife's point to her kneck. She told me, God help me she told me. iv. The list, when written down, was a full page long. She told me that she'd NEVER been faithfull to me. The first NIGHT we started dating, when I drove her HOME, she immediately called some white rich guy named Rick Derris to come over and screw. It continued, from that day, to the day we married, right up to today. She seemed to be fairly regular, and she'd done a total of twenty-nine guys since we started seeing each other. The total rose the most one night a few weeks ago when she'd gone to some crack-house and was subjected to a sort of... gang-rape... only it wasn't rape... she'd consented to it. She allowed twenty-five men have their ways with her. I sat, at first, and listened to the stream of names and addresses. I sat in utter silence and sadness. All I could think of was how much I'd loved her... how much I'd tried to make her happy. When she finished, I got up, found a scrap of paper and a pen, then demanded she repeat the list. When she finished, I drew my knife across her left breast. She screamed,as I'd expected, even more when I cut off her nipple with the dull edge. I stood back and admired her breast, which was soaked with blood, and was horrified to find I had a raging hardon. Jesus, I thought, I really got off on this. In pure rage, I drew the blade over my own left bicept, drawing a light cut and causing blood to seep sickly from the wound. I might get tetnis, I thought, but that would be if I lived more than a few days... which I already knew I wouldn't. I would be dead before the sun rose the next day. I wrapped my cut quickly, then returned to the two "love-birds" who were bickering already. Hell, they were arguing over whose fault it was. I went to her, a jar of honey in my hands, and began applying liberal ammounts of honey over her volumptuous body. She demanded to know what I was doing, and I told her condemning her to a painfull death. I stood back, and admired her beautiful body, glistening and honey-covered, and smiled sadly. "You could've at least told me. I'm sorry, I DO become emotionally unstable when I find out people have betrayed me." I told her about the "Long Walk Home" from Louisiana to Georgia, and I think she under-stood. Still, she wasn't happy about it. I went over to the man, still holding the knife and the honey jar. "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick..." I started quietly, tightening my grip on the knife. He was puzzled, but it would make sense soon. "Jack cut off the mother-fucker's dick." I sped in, and he didn't know what was happening until I'd severed his limp dick. If he'd been hard, he would have died in seconds. "Try not to think sexy-thoughts." I told him. "If you get an errection, you'll bleed to death." He began screaming something completely unintelligilbe, but I shrugged. "You brought this on yourself, man." I then turned to my backstabbing wife. "And you, you'll be the one to kill him. He'll look at you all chained up and dripping with honey, and he'll get hard." I chuckled. "And the way YOU'LL die, my dear, is this. "Down here, the rats are extremely large... they obey Lucifer, who happens to be a good friend of mine." Her large blue eyes widened. I wasn't surprised that she thought I was crazy. "They'll come to you and devour your body at a painfully slow rate. You'll wish I'd given you as quick a death as Arty over there. I'm sorry things didn't work out." What the hell was I saying? I was one sick bastard and I knew it! I wasn't one bit sorry! She'd deserved that! EVERY PERSON WHO CHEATED ON THEIR SPOUSE DESERVED THAT! I left the basement, which was deep under the earth. No one would hear their screams. I locked the door behind me. I would return that night and check on them... but for now, I had to find myself a certain Rick Derris. v. Rick lived in a facny part of town, but that didn't matter. He was a rich man, tall, blonde, very trim with a white sweater wrapped around his neck. You know the type, the ones who belond to all the expensive country clubs and drive Miatas and Porshes. This was his unlucky day, though, because I was waiting in the bushes for him to return from his cushy desk job downtown. He'd brought a woman with him, probably a secretary. I waited for the car that was going down the street to pass by, then I casually walked over to Rick's house, which was rather nice, and knocked on the door. He came to the door, and the young lady was hanging on him. Rick was wearing an exasperated look on his face. "Look, buddy, I'm not interested in whatever it is you're selling." "Oh, I think you are." The twinkle in my eyes must have been startling, because the color drained from his face. "I'm offering salvation!" I turned to the young lady. "Ma'am, I'm here to settle private buisness between me and Mr. Derris, I suggest you LEAVE." She wasted no time in asking Rick for the car. He was so damned scared, he gave it to her without a second thought. When she'd gone, I forced my way in. "Nice place you have here..." I said conversationally. "You motherfucker." He spun on me, and I noticed for the first time he was holding a gun in his shaky, pale hand. "Oh-ohkay now, mister... y-you just leave and we'll f-forget this ever h-hapened." This wasn't the first time that day I'd taken on a person with a gun. I was ready. I sidestepped, and he nervously squeezed the trigger. The small bullet slammed into his nice, expensive sofa. I had drawn my gun by the time he began to turn his piece on me, and I fired. The round shattered his knee, and he toppled, dropping his gun. I moved in and kicked the gun away from him before he could recover it. "Does the name 'Jenee Albert' mean anything to you?" I asked deathly quiet. Rick nodded timidly. "Y-yeah." He said. "Why!? Why are you doing this!?!" "Pay-back's a bitch, Rick. When was the last time you'd fucked her?" He told me, and he told me he'd fucked her a few nights ago. Damn, she was quite the nympho. I kicked him solid in the face, and he toppled, clutching his bleeding face. "I'll make sure no one can recognize you, Rick m'boy." I said, drawing my switch-blade. "Your wife won't be wanting an open-casket funeral." He screamed as I slashed a line over one of his eyes... He wouldn't be seeing out of his left eye any more. I swiftly drew three more, and his face looked like a TIC-TAC-TOE grid. I knocked him back, then pinned him beneath my knees. "Wanna play a game before you go, Ricky?" I asked, and he screamed something I couldn't understand. I took that as a yes. "You can go first, since you're 'bout to die. You want center? No? Okay then, lower right corner it is!" I carved an "X" in the lower square and he cried out for help at the top of his lungs. Soon, the whole grid was filled with slashes and circles, except for the center. "Well, if it ain't down to the moment of truth!" I exclaimed. "Center circle wins it." I declared as I plunged my knife into his eye. "You loose." I stated under his shrieks of agony. "I wish I could show you how a broken heart feels, Ricky." I told him, seizing his neck to silence his screams. "But I don't think you could feel the pain in your heart as I have. Maybe, maybe you can." I then plunged my knife deep into his chest. I shattered his breast bone and stabbed into his heart. He felt an excruciatingly long moment of seering pain before he choked and closed his eyes for good. "One down." I muttered, and got to my feet. vi. Tyrome was as big a nigger as Arty was, if not a bigger one. What seemed like a constant stream of whores and druggies flowed into the flat he owned. He was obviously a pimp of some sort. I hated pimps. They sold women for THEIR gain, while they made all the money and the women got all the venerial diseases. I'd left my knife in Rick's chest. It didn't have any of my finger prints on it, since I always wore a glove when holding it. I needed a new weapon, and I didn't want to use my gun. It'd taken me several minnutes to dig the bullet out of the stinking body of the rich-boy, and I didn't want to have to do that with more than one victim. I hotwired a nearby car, a broken-down VW Bug, and waited until an especially seedy individual emerged from the building. Smiling maniacally, I floored the Bug, and ran the man down. The results, to my sick pleasure, were spectacular. The man tried to jump over the car (he must've been REALLY doped up) and the car hit his foot, causing him to spill forward and smash his head on my windshield. The blood covered the glass, and I spun the car into a small, dark alley beside Tyrome's flat. I emerged and rustled through the junkie's pockets. He had a wallet and two hundred dollars in tens, which I left. I had no need of money. I took off his cap and wiped the blood off on the punk's shirt, then shook it dry. I then took his sunglasses (which were miraculously spared any damage) and his black leather jacket. He was packing heat, and I took the .45 and the sawed off shotgun he had. The shotgun was a beauty, just perfect for what I had to do. The barrel was sawed almost to the wooden grip, and it must have provided quite a spread. I would learn how impressive soon. As a little bonus, the spread would decrease the "kill" rate. Each blast would cause less dammage. I pocketed his several shells for it, then began my walk to Tyrome's apartment. The flat was in pathetic shape. Rats the size of small dogs roved the hallways, and cockroaches the size of cats chased them. A flock of crows had come in from the cold via a broken window at the end of the hallway I was standing in. I feared, at times, that my foot might break through the rotted wood any moment, but it never happened. Eventually, I reached Tyrome's room. I rapped three times, very slowly, and waited. A moment later, I heard the rattling of chains, and the door swung open. The meanest looking black man I'd ever seen was standing before me, a pissed off expression on his face. "Yo, whachoo want, Crackah!?!" My response was less than satisfactory for the negro, for his face lit up in alarm. I instantly raised the spread-gun from under my new coat and blew his face off at point-blank range. I could hear screams coming from inside the room, and I kicked the flimsy door open the rest of the way. I screamed and discharged another shell, blasting two scrambling junkies' stomachs away. I could see women all about the apartment, and for a moment my heart softened. "Get out!" I screamed to them. One stupid greaser mexican tried to scurry out with them. "Not you, asshole, the girls!" I promply blew a hole in his head. I dragged out my new .45 and blew away two crack- pots. The others had managed to pull most of their pieces, but their drug-saturated minds couldn't aim very well. I blew most of them away before they could get off very many shots. My guns were now empty, and I had to reload, so I ducked into the bathroom. I saw a man brutally raping a woman in the bath tub, so I took hold of one of the hypodermic needles and rammed it into the motherfucker's neck. He screamed, pulled out of the young woman's ravaged cunt, and I slammed the needle hard into his cock, causing blood to spray everywhere. I turned to the woman and ordered, "Stay down." She nodded meekly, and thanked me. I ejected the clip from the .45 and slammed in a fresh one, ignoring the rapist's cries from the bathtub. I then removed the two empty shells from the shotgun's barrels and shoved in two new ones. I cocked the .45 with my right wrist and flicked the shotgun up, causing the barrels to shut. I could then hear the cries of "Take the motherfucker down!" and "Shoot the bitch!" I didn't think they had much of a chance of doing either of those things. I kicked the bathroom door down, and the first shot I fired went for the flickering overhead lights. The room was then pitch-black, except for the strobe-light effect of the explosions from our guns. I fired two shots, then ducked into the closet I'd seen earlier. I waited for the shooting to die down. Someone must have found a flashlight or something, or turned on a lamp, because the room was flooded with light. I grinned as I heard them recite stupid questions like: "Where the hell is he?" "Did we get him?" I waited for several clicking sounds, each indicating a clip being ejected, then leapt from my hiding place, grinning and firing my guns at the same time. I mowed down half the remaining druggies. One son of a bitch was holding a woman as a hostage/shield, and I shot her by accident. Enraged, I charged the man and broke his face with the butt of my shotgun. I then followed up with a shot from my .45. I then spun, dropped, and picked up the dead man's reloaded .357 and fired six times, emptying the cylinder and simultaniously killing six men. Finally, every one of the punks had been either killed or wounded. "Who," I asked the survivors, "Is the one called Tyrome?" The answer was unanimous... Tyrome was dead, and I knew better. They were covering their own asses was what they were doing. "Well, then, I suppose I'll have to torture ALL of you to death instead of letting you go. Such a shame, I'd thought I'd gotten enough blood on my hands for one day." All of the remaining thugs (save one) pointed to a black man with both arms bleeding from gunshots. Curiously enough, this was the same man who hadn't pointed to another. "Well, I guess you're Tyrome, the rest of you are free to go..." I laughed as their faces lit up with relief, then finished my statement. "To HELL!" I picked up a GLOCK and executed every single one of them... except Tyrome. vii. I dragged Tyrome out to the car, stripped him naked, then drove to a rather large billboard. I summoned a strength I hadn't used since The Long Walk Home, and I dragged him to the top of it. Sure, people called the Police, but I would be gone LONG before THEY arrived. I quickly changed the perimeters of the electronic billboard, and then took out a hammer and three nails. Grinning wildly, I dragged him out the window and nailed him to the billboard, right underneath the blinking sigh that read: "This is the punishment of all pimps and rapists." I left the scene just before the Police arrived. I'm sure more than a few of them puked when they saw him castrated and crucified. viii. The last hit would be made soon... but first I had to pay a visit to another bastard named Frank Sinclaire, a well-to-do white prick in another fancy neighborhood of New York. His wife was away, so the bastard was going to play... with his seventeen year old daughter. I watched him for a long time, right until the point when he told her, "Baby, if you say no, I'll tell the whole world what a SLUT you've been..." She was crying, I could see it in her eyes. She hated her father, but she had to "love" him to keep her secret from being revealed. She was a fool, but then again, wasn't I always one too? I sent the stolen VW through the side of the house right into the living room where Mr. Sinclaire was taking off his daughter's bra. The two of them screamed, and it was interesting to hear that Frank shrieked louder than his daughter... I'd been hearing a lot of that happening lately. I followed the car on foot, coming into the house wearing a flowing black robe I'd picked up at my house before driving to the house. In my right hand was a scythe I'd bought long ago as a Halloween prop and never got rid of... It would be put to use at long last. Frank got up. "Listen, whoever you are, you've just made the worst mistake of your life!" He screamed at me, but I wasn't listening. Instead, I walked over to Jenny, his daughter, and looked her in the eyes. "Fidelity is the best gift you can give to a man. And if he cares that your father raped you, he's no kind of man at all. Go someplace safe." Still crying, she ran for the door, holding her bra to her breasts with both hands. I turned to Frank. "Heya, I heard you fucked my wife." I said with my usual lack of emotion. "Was she good?" His eyes bludged, and I did't wait for another response. I darted forward and slammed the shaft of my scythe into his face, knocking him backward. He cried out in pain, and I drew out a switchblade I'd found at Tyrome's and tore off the buttons of his shirt, exposing his fatty chest. "Normally, I'd castrate you, but I've already done that tonight." Frank's eyes narrowed. "You're a sick bastard. I hope you rot in hell!" "I won't be rotting, Franky, I'll be toasting with the Devil. You'll be gathering worms down there in one of the lower spheres. Happy trails." I then severed his tongue and threw it near the front door. Grinning, I carved the letter "A" in his chest, after scalping him of any chest hair of course. After that, I found a rope and hung the son of a bitch. I waited for him to stop kicking, then left, stomping on the tongue on my way out. ix. I had no gun when I pulled Frank Sinclaire's SAAB into the warehouse parking lot. I could hear the blarring rap music coming from the huge building, and I marveled over how it could be legally called music. It had no real rhythym, just the beat of the synth- drums and the non-rhyming lyrics that sounded like half the stuff I'd done that night, if you left out the sex. I crept to the back entrace, holding only my scythe. I didn't need a gun to take on these guys. Besides, Lucifer didn't want me to have a gun. I was to be mortally wounded here. I knew this, but I didn't care. I noticed I'd been wearing a ski-mask for the past few hours, and I felt glad my boss had remembered the little things like that. The back-door guard was half asleep, but I severed his head anyway. He might have been one of the fuckers who'd gang-banged my wife. The action was swift, and probably the most mercifull execution I'd done all night. I slipped through the back door like a shadow, my robes rustling quietly, but the sound was drowned out by the droning rap music. The few druggies that hung around the back of the warehouse like parasites were on their highs when I sent the edge of my scythe through their bellies. I'd just turned from the bodies to the rest of the warehouse when a bullet shredded my shoulder. I stumbled back, but recovered and fled behind a huge stack of crates, whose contents were unknown to me. I practically danced around them, shuffling my feet with a grace I'd never been used to. I was glad they were all tripping, because it made my job so much easier. I swept my scythe out low and cut four punks from their feet. They fell to the ground and began building a large pool of sickly, dark red blood. I swiftly cut off their hands and left them. I would come back later. It was chaotic, just like at Tyrome's house. I was simply awaiting the cease-fire. But while I was waiting, I might as well take a few down with me. The stacked crates created a sort of corridor-effect, and there stood a man at the end of the corridor I was positioned in. I rushed him, but he turned around before I got to him and popped a bullet into my guts. I chocked, but slashed out with my scythe and made him sorry. The next thing I knew, I had taken another hit in the arm.. unfortunately it was my right, and since I was right handed... I spun aside, pressing my back hard against the wall of crates. How I longed to have a cold hunk of metal in my hands so that I could rid the earth of these scum sooner. But, my master decided that wouldn't be any fun at all... I leapt and pulled myself up atop the crates with my left hand, whilst holding the scythe with my right. As I got to the top, I found a man sitting and bobbing his head to an unseen rhythm. He was obviously high, and that made my chopping his head off all the easier. Meanwhile, the drug-filled greasers were filling THEMSELVES full of lead, while I sat and watched. I decided that having them kill themselves off wouldn't be quite so fun, so I dropped down to join the party. I swung my scythe in a wide arc, and cut two of the gang-bangers in halves. Their torsoes with the surprised looks on their faces fell to the ground, their arms flapping wildly and their legs doing likewise. I turned about again and leapt, sweeping downwards with the scythe. I managed to catch a man and take both his hands off, the submachine gun he was holding too. I landed in a crouch and turned halfway, and got a bullet in the shoulder for my troubles. I groaned and that was the last thing I remembered. x. I awoke some time later, I didn't know when, and I didn't know how... but thank the Lord (whoever HE was) that I did! I was groggy, but that was all. I WASN'T DEAD! I looked down to see that I'd broken my scythe. That was no surprise. I'd known I was going to break it in this damned warehouse... I just didn't know how. I'd apparently used it to bludgeon one of the gang members to death. The unfortunate man was laying on the floor, surrounded by his own blood and brains. I grinned wickedly, and looked around at the carnage. I'd done one hell of a job. I had killed EVERY SINGLE GANG MEMBER IN THE PLACE! Still, I'd taken another shot in the gut and one had grazed the side of my head. I searched the warehouse and found a decent supply of PCP, and some heroine. I did them both, and found my perception of the world slightly different... I still felt the pain, and saw things as I normally did! Shaken, I made my way for the car... that's when I heard the humm of a helicopter's propellers. "THIS IS THE POLICE, SCUM-BAG! GIVE YOURSELF UP!" Some moron called over his loud-speaker. I grunted and ran. I made it to my car, despite the spray of machinegun fire that the copter laid down on me. I had finished my task, but there was still one loose end. My last vision on earth MUST be to see the bodies of my wife and her lover. I wanted to see that. I NEEDED to see that. The spotlight didn't slow me down. The gunfire sped me up. I made it to the car alive and started it up and sped off. While I was a good ten minnutes away from the city, I was only a few away from the house I lived in with Jenee. I just hoped I could make it there. The chase was short, but it seemed like an eternity before I came to the police road-block in the road. "CHRIST!" I screamed, flooring the gas pedal. I slammed hard into the road-block, which was something the cops DIDN'T expect me to do. I knew the VW was ruined, so I hopped out (miraculously unhindered) and rushed to one of the unconscious officers, simultaniously pulling his Smith And Wesson revolver and firing several shots at the remaning cops. I nailed two, and grazed the third. Spinning, I fired two shots and successfully knocked out the spotlight the 'copter was shining on me. They were blind, now. A third squad car was arriving (there had been two parked bumper to bumper horizontally across the road) and I leapt over the two other cars and grabbed another gun from another dead cop. I firing four slugs at the car, two for each pig, killing them both instantly. I ripped open the driver's door and threw out the two dead cops. Meanwhile, the helicopter's crew had found a spare spotlight, and had set it up and shined it on me. I grinned madly, thinking I might actually make it to my house before I died from blood loss. I got into the squad car and floored it again, speeding off towards my house. My mind was in a haze of blood-lust and pain, but I could make out a few messages on the police-band radio, mostly ones about me and my course. They suspected I was heading for somewhere deep in the city... but I fooled them. I spun my stolen car and turned into my neighborhood, all the while listening to the confused jumble of cops and dispatchers shouting out my headings. I screeched to a halt in front of my house, just as another squad car slammed into mine. I leapt from the black and white, while the collision tore my right foot from my leg. I kept from screaming only by thinking that my wife's pain would be worse, and limped madly towards my house. Had I been listening, I would have heard: "STOP! STOP DAMN IT!" Then several shots. Still, my drug-laden brain refused to let up. My limping intesnified, even though I'd taken six H&K rounds to the legs and back. I leapt through one of the living room windows, and crawled towards the basement door. Meanwhile, the police were spraying the house with machinegun fire... I didn't care. I was too low for them to hit me. I reached the door and hobbled to my one foot, then opened the door and flung myself down the stairs. The landing was painfull, but not any more than anything else that had happened to me that night. I got to my foot and leaned against the wall for support, then slid forward to the altar... Sure enough... Arty had bled to death from the loss of his member. I grinned, justice was mine. Turning, I saw the half-eaten body of Jenee. I knew I was sick for this, but I loved every minnute of it! I dropped to my face, just as the cops raced down the short flight of stairs, and I closed my eyes... xi. Epilogue. Jack had expected to open his eyes and see the bale- full face of Lucifer, smiling sadly at him. "You've failed," Jack expected to hear, "You've failed and now I am going to torture you for eternity." No such ill luck befell the young man. He awoke in a very comfortable bed, under a swarm of warm, fresh sheets that kept him snug despite the zero- degree weather in New York. Beside him was a warm, soft body. For some horrible moment he expected to turn his head and see his Jenee's half-devoured face, that look of pure terror etched on it in its final moments... Instead, the body snuggled closer to him, and he turned to see it, and saw that it was a beautiful young woman he'd never seen before. "mmmm...." She moaned,draping her arm over his bare chest. "Jack..." The man suddenly realized she was in fact still asleep... and dreaming of him! He smiled and kissed her gently on the brow. As his lips touched her forehead, memories flooded back to him. The party he'd been attending for the past few hours... and the young woman named Eve he'd met there... and he remembered how he had phoned his lawyer with the request for a divorce, since he'd found out about his wife's infidelity... But there was that shadow memory... the murders... the pain... and in the end, death. He felt like he was slowly going mad, since his memories were now split in twine. Working with Lucifer was, if anything, unpredictable. Jack Albert had, in fact, been atending an uptown party in celebration of his acceptance into the FBI, while Michael Torrance (who had, ironically, attended the gang bang of Jenee Albert) had slain the young woman's many sorted lovers. It was like how Jack had just finished bashing someone's head in with a baseball bat when he noticed he had been wearing gloves for God-knew-how-long. The phone rang, and Jack didn't want to answer it. He feared that it might be the police telling him they were coming to arrest him. He braved his fears, and answered the phone. "Yeah?" He muttered wearily, rubbing his eyes. Beside him, Eve stirred, awoke, and was watching him. "Lieutenant Jack Albert?" The voice on the other end asked. Jack nodded, then replied, feeling rather stupid. "Yeah?" "You might want to sit down for this, if you're not already sitting down." Well, moron, it's only two in the morning, Jack thought, but didn't voice it. "What is it?" "Well, sir, we want you to come downtown to identify a body... we... think it might be your wife." Don't screw it up now, a voice told Jack. He decided to feign shock. "What? Jenee? What is it? What happened???" He was a good actor... he should have won an emmy for this one. The man on the phone briefly described what had happened to Jenee and her lover, and Jack remained intensely quiet for the duration of the man's speach. Finally, Jack muttered, "I'll be right there, officer." He hung up the phone, kissed Eve, promised her he would call her, and got dressed. After he identified his wife, he would go to sleep... tomorrow was going to be another very long day. the end. Note From The Author: Why did I write this? Simply because I am tired of the never-ending spew of racist garbage that assails newsgroups every day, talking of pussywhipped white men and massively endowed black men. While I have seen neither black nor white male genitalia in real life, I am reluctant to believe the things one sees or hears in porn. If these people can't act, what makes one think they'll bother to do research on a subject? Not every black man has a thirteen inch schlong and not every white man has a two inch one. I'm not saying I believe ANYTHING I've written, I'm just throwing a story out there for those of you like me who are sick to death of people in general. Why did I post this on the newsgroup? Where the hell else would I post it? Alt.children.stores??? No, not very likely. I figured if you guys would except stories about guys raping their mothers and beautiful girls procreating with canines, I figured you'd be the most likely to accept my story, which DOES in fact have a lot to do with porn stories, since it is a POSSIBLE outcome of what happens when a man finds his wife has been less than loyal to him, and I have seen MANY stories about wives and their infidelities. Why am I bothering to explain myself? Because I am SURE that I will get flamed for this, most likely some angry black man feeling oppressed or something or some other asshole who feels like his "precious" time has been wasted in taking the two minnutes to download it and probably the ten minnutes to actually read through it (what else is he going to do? masturbate over some HARD core porn story?) I am sorry to any I've offended with THIS story. Please give my other stories a chance once I finish them... I'm SURE they'll be more hard-core than this, and most likely less offensive and violent. Oh, and if you've read this far, thanks for giving me a chance. I just wanted to tell a story. Let me know what you think. Flames are welcome, I guess.