Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at
dams, to bite: dásate, I, 189, 5.
damsánâ, wonderful deed, III, 3, 11; wonderful power, III, 9, 7.
dámsas, wonderful deed, I, 69, 8.
dáksha, mind, I, 68, 8;—power, ability, skill, I, 76, 1; 95, 6:1; 141, 11:2; III, 2, 3; 13, 2; IV, 10, 2; V, 10, 2; 18, 2; 20, 3; dáksham (conj. yakshám), IV, 3, 13:3; Dáksha personified, III, 27, 9:3; 10; V, 16, 2;—skilful, I, 59, 4; III, 14, 7.
dáksha-pati, lord of power, I, 95. 6.
dákshas, ability, II, 1, 11.
dakshâ´yya, to be treated kindly, II, 4, 3.
dakshinatás, from the right side, I, 95, 6:2.
dákshinâ, the sacrificial gift, V, 1, 3:3.
dakshinâ-âvrít, turned to the right, 1, 144, 1:3.
dakshinâ-vâ´h, carrying from left to right, III, 6, 1:2.
dágdhri, burner, V, 9, 4.
datvát, having teeth, I, 189, 5.
Dadhí-krâ´, III, 20, 1:2; 5.
dán, house: pátih dán, lord of the house, I, 149, 1:2.
dánta, tooth: atharyàh ná dántam, IV, 6, 8:2.
dabh, to deceive: dípsantah ná debhuh, I, 147, 3; dadabhanta, I, 148, 2; dabhan, I, 148, 5;—sátrum â-dabhúh, III, 16, 2.
dábha, deceiver, V, 19, 4:3.
dabhrá, few, I, 31, 6.
dám, house: dám-su, I, 141, 4.
dáma, house, I, 1, 8, &c.; II, 1, 7:2; 8; kíttih apâ´m dáme, I, 67, 10:1; dáme-dame, house by house, I, 128, 4; IV, 7, 3; V, 1, 5; 6, 8.
dámûnas, domestic, friend of the house, I, 60, 4:2: 68, 9; 140, 10; 141, 11; III, 1, 11; 17; 2, 15; 3, 6; 5, 4; IV, 4, 11; II, 5; V, 1, 8:1; 4, 5; 8, 1.
dám-pati, master of the house, I, 127, 8; V, 22, 4;—dám-patî, husband and wife, V, 3, 2.
dámya, domestic, III, 1, 15; 2, 8.
day, to bestow: dayasva, I, 68, 6;—ví dáyamânah, distributing, III, 2, 11; ví dayate, he tears to pieces, IV, 7, 10.
dárvî, sacrificial ladle, V, 6, 9.
darsatá, conspicuous, beautiful, I, 36, 9; 141, 1; 144, 7; III, 1, 3; 10, 6; 27, 13.
dása-pramati: dása-pramatim, read: dása prámatim, I, 141, 2:4.
dasasy: sám dasasya, forgive, III, 7, 10.
das: sam-dadasvâ´n, being exhausted (?), II, 2, 6:1.
dasmá, wonderful, I, 77, 3; 148, 4; II, 1, 4; 9, 5; III, 1, 7; 3, 2; IV, 1, 3; 6, 9; V, 6, 5; 17, 4.
dasmát, possessed of wonderful power, I, 74, 4.
Dásyu, I, 36, 18; 59, 6; V, 4, 6; pl., the Dasyus, I, 78, 4; III, 29, 9; V, 7, 10; 14, 4.
dah, to burn: daha, I, 12, 5, &c.; dhákshat, burning, II, 4, 7;—ánu dhakshi, II, 1, 10;—prá dhakshi, I, 76, 3;—práti dahatât, burn against, III, 18, 1;—sám daha, I, 36, 14; 20.
dâ, to give: ánu duh, they give way, I, 127, 4;—ná párâ dât, he will not surrender, V, 3, 12.
dâ, to bind: ní-daduh, (V, 2, 6:2); ní-ditam, V, 2, 7.
dâ (do), to cut, to shear: dâti, I, 65, 8; V, 7, 7.
dâtrí, giver, I, 13, 11.
dâ´tri, mower, V, 7, 7.
dâna, gift, V, 27, 5.
dâván: dâváne, for the sake of giving, II, 1, 10.
dâs, to offer, worship: dadâ´sa, I, 36, 4, &c.; váh túbhyam dâ´sât, I, 68, 6; dâsat, IV, 2, 9; dâ´sat yáh asmai áram, who satisfies him, I, 70, 5; námah dâ´sât, I, 71, 6; agnáye dâshti ávase, I, 127, 4:2.
dâ´s, worship, I, 127, 7.
dâsú-adhvara, performing worship, 1, 75, 3:1.
dâsváms, worshipper, liberal giver, I, 1, 6; 27, 6, &c.
dâs: abhi-dâ´sati, he tries to harm, I, 79, 11.
dâsá-patnî, (strongholds) of which the Dâsas are the lords, III, 12, 6.
dâ´svat, munificent, I, 227, 1; II, 4, 3; IV, 2, 7; V, 9, 2.
Díti, IV, 2, 11:3.
didrikshénya, worthy to be looked for, I, 146, 5.
didrikshéya, visible, III, 1, 12.
didyú, arrow, I, 71, 5.
didyút, shaft, I, 66, 7.
didhishâ´yya, worthy to be searched for, desirable, 1, 73, 2:4; II, 4, 1.
didhishú, seeking to obtain, I, 71, 3:2.
dív, see dyú.
divah-rúk, shining from heaven, III, 7, 5.
divákshas, dwelling in heaven, III, 7, 2:1.
dívâ-tarât, more than by day, I, 127, 5:3.
divi-kshayá, dweller in heaven: divi-kshayám (conj. for diví ksháyam), III, 2, 13:1.
divítmat, going to heaven, I, 26, 2.
dívishti, the striving for day, I, 45, 7:1; 141, 6:—heaven-aspiring sacrifice, IV, 9, 3.
divi-sprís, attaining to Heaven, I, 142, 8; V, 11, 1; 13, 2:1.
divyá, heavenly, I, 143, 5; 144, 6; III, 2, 4:—divine: divyâ´ya gánmane, I, 58, 6.
dís, quarter of the world: dísah, I, 31, 14:3, prá dísam (for pra-disam), I, 95, 3:2.
dî, dîdî, to shine, I, 36, 11, &c.; rayím asmâ´su dîdihi, shine upon us with thy wealth, II, 2, 6; dîdayet, may he illuminate, II, 4, 3; dî´dyat (conj. dî´dhyat), III, 1, 1:3; devâ´n ákkha dî´dyânah, brightly shining towards the gods, III, 15, 5:1; dî´dyatam brihát, III, 27, 15.
dîdi-váms, resplendent, I, 12, 5; 10, &c.
dî´divi, shining, I, 1, 8.
dîdhiti, (adoring) thought, devotion, III, 4, 3; IV, 2, 16:2, V, 18, 4.
dîrghá, long-lasting: dîrgháh rayíh, IV, 2, 5.
dîrghá-âyus, long living, IV, 15, 9; 10.
dirghâyu-sokis, flaming through long life, V, 18, 3.
duh-itá, trouble, misfortune, danger, I, 99, 1; 128, 5; III, 20, 4; V, 3, 11; 4, 9; 9, 6.
duh-uktá, evil word, I, 147, 4.
duh-éva, of evil conduct, IV, 5, 5; V, 2, 9.
duh-gá, trouble, I, 99, 1; 189, 2.
duh-gáha, difficulty, V, 4, 9.
duh-gríbhi, difficult to seize, I, 140, 6.
duh-gribhîy: duh-gribhîyase, thou showest thyself hard to seize, V, 9, 4.
duh-dábha, undeceivable, III, 2, 2; IV, 9, 2; 8.
dúh-dhita, badly-composed (prayer), I, 140, 11.
duh-dhî´, malicious, I, 94, 8; 9; III, 16, 2.
duh-matí, hatred, ill-will, III, 15, 6; IV, 11, 6.
duh-sámsa, one who curses, I, 94, 9.
dugdhá, milk, V, 19, 4:1
dukkhúnâ, misfortune, I, 189, 5.
dúdhita, confused, IV, 1, 17:1.
dúr, gate, door, I, 68, 10; II, 2, 7:1; IV, 4, 6; dúrah, the doors (of heaven), I, 69, 10; 188, 5:1; râyáh dúrah, I, 72, 8.
duritá, see duh-itá.
durôka-sokis, he to whose flame men do not get accustomed, I, 66, 5:1.
duroná, house, I, 69, 4; 5; 70, 4:1, &c.
durgá, see duh-gá.
dúryâ, pl., dwelling, IV, 1, 9; 18; 2, 12.
dúvas, worship, I, 36, 14:2; III, 2, 6; 16, 4; IV, 2, 9; 8, 6.
duvasaná, hastening, IV, 6, 10:2.
duvasy, to exalt: duvasyati, I, 78, 2; III, 3, 1; duvasyan, III, 1, 2; 13; duvasyáta, III, 2, 8; V, 28, 6.
dush, to violate: dûdushat, III, 3, 1.
dustára, invincible, I, 79, 8:1; II, 2, 10; III, 24, 1; V, 15, 3.
duh, to milk: doháse, I, 141, 2; amrítam dúhânâh, III, 1, 14.
duhitrí, daughter, I, 71, 5:1
dûtá, messenger (Agni), I, 12, 1; 8; 36, 3–5; 44, 2; 3; 9; 11; 58, 1; 60, 1; 72, 7; 74, 4; 188, 1; II, 6, 6; 7; 9, 2; III, 3, 2; 5, 2; 9; 6, 5; 9, 8; 11, 2; 17, 4; IV, 1, 8; 2, 2; 7, 4; 9; 11; 8, 1; 9, 2; V, 3, 8; 8, 6; 11, 4; 21, 3; 26, 6.
dûtyà, the work of a messenger: dûtyàm (yâsi), I, 12, 4; 44, 12; 74, 7; messengership, I, 71, 4:3; IV, 7, 8; 8, 4; 9, 6.
dûré-bhâ, far-shining, I, 65, 10.
dri, to rend: dadri-vâmsah, IV, 1, 14.
drilhá, strong, I, 71, 2; 72, 8.
drísîka, beautiful, I, 27, 10;—sight, I, 66, 10; 69, 50.
drísya, visible, IV, 2, 12.
drishát-vatî, N. of a river, III, 23, 4.
devá, god, I, 1, 2, &c.; deváh devébhih, devanâm, &c., I, 1, 5; 13, 11; 31, 1; 9; 68, 2:1; 94, 13; 142, 11; II, 3, 1; IV, 15, 1; devám-devam, this or that god, I, 26, 6; bhúvah devâ´nâm pitâ´ putráh sán, I, 69, 2; devâ´nâm gánma, I, 70, 6; devâ´n (i. e. devâ´m) gánma, I, 71, 3:[5, 6]; IV, 1, 2:2; 2, 17:2; pâthah devébhyah, I, 188, 10:1; devâ´nâm gánimâni, III, 4, 10; devâ´nâm gúhyâ nâ´mâni, V, 5, 10; devâ´sah sárvayâ visâ´, V, 26, 9;—vísve devâ´h, II, 3, 4:1; V, 3, 1; 26, 4;—divine, I, 1, 1; III, 20, 4; dvâ´rah devî´h, I, 13, 6; II, 3, 5; V, 5, 3; déva barhih, II, 3, 4; dhíyam devî´m, III, 18, 3; devî´h pátnîh, IV, 5, 13.
deva-avî´; eagerly longing for the gods, III, 29, 8.
devá-kâma, loving the gods, II, 3, 9; III, 4, 9.
devá-gushta, agreeable to the god, I, 77, 1.
devá-gûta, sent by the gods, IV, 11, 4.
devá-tâti, the divine world, host of the gods, I, 127, 9; 141, 10; III, 19, 2; 4; 26, 2; IV, 6, 3; 9; devá-tâtâ, among the gods, I, 58, 1; 95, 8:3; 128, 2; III, 19, 1; IV, 6, 1.
deva-trâ´, to the gods, I, 128, 6:5; III, 1, 22;—among the gods, III, 8, 7; V, 20, 1.
deva-tvá, divinity, I, 68, 4; 69, 6:1.
devadryáñk, turned towards the gods: devadrî´kîm, III, 6, 1:2.
devápsarah-tama, most agreeable to the gods, I, 75, 1.
devá-bhakta, god-given, IV, 1, 10.
deva-yagyâ´, worship as is due to the gods, V, 21, 4.
deva-yát, worshipping, or longing for, the gods, pious, I, 36, 1:4; 77, 3; III, 5, 1; 6, 1; 3; 8, 1; 4; 6; 10, 7; 29, 12; IV, 2, 17; 11, 5; V, 1, 4; 21, 1.
deva-yâ´, approaching the gods, III, 8, 5:3.
deva-yâ´na, (the ways) which the gods go: ádhvanah deva-yâ´nân, I, 72, 7:3.
deva-yú, godly, IV, 2, 7; 9, 1.
devá-vâta, beloved by the gods, III, 20, 2; IV, 3, 15;—Devavâta, N. p., III, 23, 2.
deva-vâ´hana, drawing hither the gods, III, 27, 14.
deva-vî´tama, most excellently repairing to the gods, I, 36, 9.
devá-vîti, feast of the gods, I, 12, 9; III, 17, 5; 21, 2.
devávyakah-tama, which best receives the gods with its wide extent, I, 142, 5; IV, 26, 8; V, 22, 2.
devá-vyakas, receiving the gods, III, 4, 4.
deva-sás, for each of the gods, III, 21, 5.
Devá-sravas, N. p., III, 23, 2; 3.
deva-hû´tama, best invoker of the gods, III, 13, 6.
deváhûti, invocation of the gods, I, 12, 12.
devâ´nk, turned towards the gods, I, 127, 1.
devî´, goddess, I, 13, 9; III, 7, 2:2; 25, 3; IV, 14, 3; tisráh devî´h, II, 3, 8; III, 4, 8; V, 5, 8.
devyà, godhead, I, 140, 7.
deshná, gift, II, 9, 4.
Daiva-vâtá, (Agni) of Devavâta, III, 23, 3;—son of Devavâta, IV, 15, 4:1.
daívya, divine, I, 27, 1 2; II, 5, 2; p. 449 III, 20, 4; daívyâ hótârâ, I, 13, 8:1; 142, 8; 188, 7; II, 3, 7; III, 4, 7; V, 5, 7; daívyam gánam, host of the gods, I, 31, 17; 44, 6; 45, 1:[1, 2]; 9; 10; V, 13, 3; daívyâni vratâ´, I, 70, 2; daívyah samitâ´, II, 3, 10; mádhunâ daívyena, III, 8, 1:2; vákasâ daívyena, IV, 1, 15; daívyâni, divine powers, IV, 4, 5.
do, see dâ.
dógha, milkstream, V, 15, 5:1.
doshâ´, evening: doshâ´ ushási, II, 8, 3; IV, 2, 8; práti doshâ´m ushásam, IV, 12, 2; V, 5, 6; doshâ´, at evening, IV, 11, 6.
dóshâ-vastar, shining in the darkness, I, 1, 7:1; IV, 4, 9:1.
dohána, stream (?), I, 144, 2:1.
dyâ´vâkshâ´mâ, du., Heaven and Earth, I, 96, 5; 140, 13; III, 8, 8:1.
dyâ´vâprithivî´, du., Heaven and Earth, I, 31, 8; II, 1, 15; 2, 3; 7; III, 3, 11; 25, 3; 26, 8; IV, 14, 2.
dyú, sky, heaven, Heaven, I, 31, 4:1, &c.; 67, 5:2; upa-mâ´ diváh, I, 31, 15:1; diváh ná sâ´nu, I, 58, 2; mûrdhâ´ diváh, I, 59, 2; III, 2, 14; diváh brihatáh. I, 59, 5; 71, 2; dyaúh ná bhû´ma, I, 65, 3:1; diváh gyótih, I, 69, 1; mahé pitré divé, I, 71, 5:1; IV, 1, 10; dyaúh (conj. dyóh), I, 71, 8:4; diváh akshî´ íti, I, 72, 10:1; párigmânam-iva dyâ´m, I, 127, 2:3; dyâ´vâ prithivî´ íti, Heaven and Earth, I, 143, 2; vísvâ diváh rokanâ´, I, 146, 1; III, 6, 8; 12, 9; dyú-bhih tvám (conj. dyú-bhyah), II, 1, 1:2; ásurah maháh diváh, II, 1, 6; diváh-iva aratíh, II, 2, 2; dvaúh ná strí-bhih, II, 2, 5; IV, 7, 3; tisráh dívah, II, 3, 2; diváh kavînâ´m, III, 1, 2; diváh prithivyâ´h, III, 1, 3; 6, 2:3; 3; 25, 1; IV, 5, 11; diváh yahvî´h, III, 1, 6; 9:4; diváh prishthám, III, 2, 12; diví ksháyam (conj. divikshayám) III, 2, 13:1; ketúm diváh, III, 2, 14; diváh nâ´bhâ, III, 4, 4; várshman diváh, III, 5, 9; dyâ´vâ, III, 6, 4:2; diváh árnam, III, 22, 3; diváh putrâ´h, IV, 2, 15; diváh kikitvâ´n, IV, 3, 8; diyáh â-ródhanân:, IV, 7, 8; 8, 2; 4; diváh skambháh, IV, 13, 5; diváh sísum, IV, 15, 6:2; divâh kit brihát, more mightily than even the sky, V, 10, 4:2; diváh dhárman, V, 15, 2:2; diváh ná rétasâ, V, 17, 3:3.
dyú, day: divé-dive, day by day, I, 1, 3; 7, &c.; divâh pû´rvah, before daybreak, I, 60, 2; ánu dyû´n, day by day, 1, 71, 6; 148, 4; III, 23, 2; IV, 4, 8; 9; dívâ náktam, I, 98, 2; 144, 4:2; tríh â´ diváh, I, 142, 3; dyúbhih, day by day, III, 3, 2; V, 16, 2.
dyukshá, heavenly, II, 2, 1.
dyut, to shine: ví abhí dyaut, mayest thou beam forth, IV, 4, 6;—ví didyutah, make shine, II, 2, 7; ví adyaut, thou hast shone forth, III, 1, 8; 18; ví didyutânáh, flashing, III, 7, 4;—sám adyaut, III, 5, 2.
dyú-bhakta, assigned by Heaven, I, 73, 6; IV, 1, 18.
dyu-mát, brilliant, I, 74, 9; II, 7, 1; 9, 6; III, 10, 8; 13, 7; V, 23, 4.
dyumát-tama, most brilliant, V, 24, 2:1.
dyumná, splendour, I, 73, 4, &c.; dyumnaíh, with (songs full of) splendour, I, 78, 1–5; dyumnásya sávasâ, V, 7, 3.
dyumná-vat, brilliant, III, 29, 15.
dyumnín, brilliant, I, 36, 8.
dyumnín-tama, most brilliant, I, 127, 9.
drapsá, spark, I, 94, 11;—banner, IV, 13, 2:2.
dravát, see dru.
dravinah dás, giver of wealth, II, 6, 3.
dravinah-dâ´, giver of wealth, I, 96, 1–8; II, 1, 7.
drávinas, wealth, I, 96, 8;—wealth-giver, III, 7, 10.
dravinasyú, aspiring after wealth, II, 6, 3; V, 13, 2.
dru, to run: dravát, speedily, I, 44, 7; drávatâm, III, 14, 3; drûnânáh? IV, 4, 1:2.
drú-anna, feeding on wood, II, 7, 6.
drúh, guile, IV, 4, 15.
dru-hántara, a mighty woodcutter, (I, 127, 3:2).
druham-tará, conqueror of deceitful foes, I, 127, 3:2.
dvayá, falsehood, I, 147, 4; 5; V, 3, 7; 12, 2.
dvâ´r, door: dvâ´rah devî´h, the divine doors, I, 13, 6; 142, 6; II, 3, 5; V, 5, 5; dvâ´râ, the two folds of the door, I, 128, 6; dvâ´râ támasah, III, 5, 1.
dvíh páñka, twice five, IV, 6, 8:1.
dvi-gánman, of double birth (Agni), I, 60, 1:1; 140, 2:1; 149, 4; 5.
Dvitá, V, 18, 2:2.
dvitâ´, forsooth, verily, I, 127, 7; II, 4, 2:2; III, 2, 1:3; 17, 5:1.
dvi-pád, two-footed, I, 94, 5.
dvi-bárhas, twofold, I, 71, 6;—doubly-powerful, IV, 5, 3:1
dvi-mâtrí, having two mothers, I, 31, 2:1.
dvísh, hostile power, I, 97, 7; II, 7, 2; 3; III, 15, 1.
dveshah-yút, driving away malice, IV, 11, 5; V, 9, 6.
dvéshas, hatred, malice, II, 6, 4; IV, 1, 4; 10, 7; V, 20, 2;—hostile power, III, 16, 5:2; 27, 3.