The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion, by C. Spurgeon Medhurst, [1905], at
One conscious of virility, maintaining muliebrity, is a world-channel. From a world-channel the unchanging energy never departs. This is to revert to the state of infancy.
One conscious of brightness, placid in shade, is a world-model. In a world-model the unchanging energy remains undiminished. This is to revert to the unlimited.
One conscious of merit, content in disgrace, is a world-valley. In a world-valley the unchanging energy is sufficient. This is to revert to simplicity.
Simplicity scattered becomes capacity, and in the hands of the Holy Man, administrators.
Thus the Supreme Mandate may not be sundered.
In a word, the Kingdom of God will be established when the strong are willing to be weak; when the radiant are satisfied though clouded; when the meritorious though unknown are contented.
"When will Christ's kingdom be realized?" is one of the questions found in an uncanonical gospel. The answer is "When ye shall trample on the garment of shame, when the