Sacred Texts  Taoism 

Laotzu [Public Domain Image]

The Sayings of Lao Tzu

by Lionel Giles


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This is Lionel Giles' translation of the Tao te Ching. Giles (1875-1958) was Keeper of the Department of Oriental Books and Manuscripts at the British Museum. He also translated Sun Tzu's Art of War.

This translation is long out of print, which is a shame, because it is a very clear English rendition of this very difficult and profund text.

Title Page
Editorial Note
Tao In Its Transcendental Aspect, And In Its Physical Manifestation
Tao As A Moral Principle, Or ''Virtue''
The Doctrine of Inaction
Lowliness And Humility
Miscellaneous Sayings and Precepts
Lao Tzŭ On Himself