Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics, by John Dudgeon, [1895], at sacred-texts.com
No. 47.—Tung Fang-shuo's (#) * Method of grasping his Big Toes.—To cure hernia.
With the two hands grasp the big toes of the two feet, bend the toes for a period equal to 5 respirations, lead the air in the abdomen throughout the entire body.
Another method is bending all the ten toes in this manner, which is better.
Hwei-hsiang Pills.
201:* Tung Fang-shuo, 2nd century B.C. It is related that he was the child of a miraculous conception, and his mother removed to a place further to the eastward from her home to give birth to her child; and hence his name. According to common repute, he was the embodiment of the planet Venus.