The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion, by C. Spurgeon Medhurst, [1905], at
Apprehend the inimitable conception, you attract the world; coming it receives no harm, but is tranquil, peaceful, satisfied. 1
Like transient guests, music and dainties pass away.
The Tao entering the mouth is insipid and without flavor; when looked at it evades sight; when listened for it escapes the ear—(yet) its operations are interminable.
(Cf. The Classic of Purity.)
61:1 The text may be read in two ways and it is impossible to say which is correct. It may be rendered as in the translation, or it may be understood thus—"Apprehend the Inimitable Conception. Go throughout the world; go, without harm, you will remain tranquil, peaceful, satisfied." The Chinese may be read either way, and from the viewpoint of The Wisdom both interpretations are equally true.